י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


CEO Hatzalah in New York admitted fraud

David Cohen, CEO Hatzalah in New York resigned, admitted giant fraud of insurance companies totaling $ 9 million • expected for 4 years in jail

Yoel Bitelman, Behadrey Haredim 27.04.14

Disaster: What exactly happened in Ein Muda spring?

Ein Muda is a shallow pool, suitable for children swimming right though - So how is it that the yeshiva student Meir Kadar z"l drowned? • Why did the deceased arrive at the hospital with a broken skull and how was it caused? • Why is the friend's version different from the police? • Police Commander Beit Shean is trying to explain to Behadrey Haredim exactly what happened in the pool of blood and had no real answers

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 25.04.14

Tragedy: Meir Kadar z"l

Bein Hazmanim tragedy: Meir Kadar z"l, the yeshiva student who lost consciousness at Maayan Ein Muda, and doctors fought this morning (Wednesday ) for his life - died at Emek Hospital at the age of 20.

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 24.04.14

Lakewood: gentiles broke into Pizza store

Robbers broke into a popular pizza store on the night of Pesach, emptied the cash register and charity box - and fled the scene

Yoel Bitelman, Behadrey Haredim 24.04.14

Wineries outraged: words of Chief Rabbi - scandal

Fury in kashrus systems and wineries of words of Hagaon R' Yitzchak Yosef that many wines are not kosher for Kiddush • Kashrus specialist Rabbi Yosef Zeritsky: "Everyone tells me they do not know which winery the chief rabbi visited. No winery dilutes high percentages of water in wines"

Shlomo Greenberg and Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 24.04.14

Scandal in Petah Tikva: chometz baked during Pesach

Rabbinate denied kashrus to Shibolei Hatikva bakery because it apparently sold pitas baked over Pesach; Bakery to reporter: "Do not come here"

Eli Schlesinger and Shabtai Hezkiah, Behadrey Haredim • Photo: Kobie Har-Zvi 23.04.14

US threatens: we'll stop aid to Palestinians

State Department spokeswoman responded to Abbas' threats whereby if negotiations will discontinue he will dismantle the PA • "Such a move could damage relations between the Palestinians and the US, and harm U.S. aid" • parties are trying to extend the talks • Netanyahu last night: "they should notify us when they want peace"

Yehudah Halevi, Behadrey Haredim 23.04.14

Ashdod Maimona only for men? "Sorry Wrong"

Ashdod Torah Culture Department organized event without women • Mayor was angered and division manager apologized: "This is a mistake - women invited"

Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 23.04.14

Its happening: IDF is prepared to take in hundreds of yeshiva students in jail

Towards the Implementation of the recruitment law: military police is preparing to absorb hundreds of yeshiva students - who refuse stabilization and recruiting - in military prisons 6 and 4 • so too soldiers are trained for various positions, a special diagnosis and treatment, for imprisoned yeshiva students • The first stage will be placed in two gauges in military prisons - Tzrifin 4 prison and jail 6, near Atlit

Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 23.04.14
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