י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


High Court: income support for yeshiva students - canceled

Court intervenes again in Knesset legislation • a panel of judges headed by Supreme Court president Asher Gronis accepted the petition by the student union, Hiddush, IRAC and others - Against Haredim • By decision of the High Court, the state will stop transfer allowance income support for yeshiva students from -2015 • by that overturned the government's decision in 2010

Eli Shlesinger 26.05.14

Belgian Jews anxious: alert level raised

Belgian Jewish community shocked at shooting in Jewish Museum in central Brussels • A man and two women were killed, one critically injured, and 12 others lightly injured • shooter captured • Belgian Prime Minister: "We are united against the brutal onslaught – will make all efforts to arrest those responsible" • emergency state in Jewish institutions in Belgium • Documentation

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 26.05.14

The baby who fell in Crown Heights - died

Baby Yisrael Levi Yitzchak Neiman z"l aged one and a half, fell from a height of several floors and was seriously injured • Number of hours later died of his wounds

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 23.05.14
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