ז' אדר התשפ"ה


"Conducted a systematic campaign of persecution against the rabbis of Israel"

Followers of Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto, react to B'Chadrei Charedim "for over a year and a half was a campaign to slander and systematic persecution against Rabbi" • They say the journey is directed against all the rabbinical world: "Dozens of rabbis and judges there are further investigations meaningless, including Hgr"a Yosef •" Where the Haredi Mksto protect the rabbis?, they complain

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 19.01.14

Who removed money from Stark's banck account after the murder?

Dramatic development in murder investigation of Governor Rabbi Menachem Stark hy"d: Police discovered that an unknown man withdrew from Stark's bank account sums of money - even after the assassination • Attraction discovered following the bank's claim to bankruptcy of his company • partner Yisrael Perlmutter is not suspected to have withdrawn the funds

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 18.01.14

1000 learners were absorbed at Brit Achim fund

Foundation founded by Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto will support kollel scholars • will grant NIS 1000 to yeshiva students commited to study Zohar and volunteer at welfare and educational organizations

Moshe Cohen, B'Chadrei Charedim 18.01.14

Suspicion: Investigator No. 1 received bribes from Rabbi Pinto

'Serious affair' revealed • Commander Menashe Arbib commander of the Lahav unit 433, suspected of accepting favors from close associates of Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto • Arbib removed himself from office and says: "This is blood libel" • According to Pinto police officers and a former minister, tried to prevent him to testify against Senator in the U.S. • religious figure offered Rabbi Pinto to act crushing bribery investigation

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 16.01.14

Pinto: "murky era thrust upon us"

For the first time Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto refers to the affair in which he is involved • "It's an Atonement" • blackout lifted tomorrow at Private Provision

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 16.01.14

Will Chief Rabbinical Council elections be cancelled?

High Court ordered the Minister of Religious Affairs to explain why Chief Rabbinate Council elections will not be revoked • "misrepresentation was presented to Electoral Assembly"

Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 15.01.14

Boogie surrendered and apologized: "I didn't mean to offend Kerry"

Defense Minister surrendered to political turmoil and protests by the White House and published an apology for remarks against Secretary of State, John Kerry, "Israel and the US are partners in advancing the negotiations led by Kerry" • did not retract but stressed: "apologize if Kerry was offended" • Will this reassure Americans?

Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 15.01.14

President, U.S. Moetzet at Hgray"l Steinman

President of the Council of Torah Sages of Agudath Israel and the U.S., Novominsker Rebbe, visited Hgray"l Steinman • discussed the conscription law

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.01.14
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