י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Netanyahu AIPAC: Boycott the boycotters • view

The Prime Minister was received with loud applause at the Jewish - American lobby United States • Netanyahu gave a classic speech urging to stop the arming of Iran, to strengthen the Israeli - American connection, fighting against the movement to boycott Israel • Commentators: Netanyahu hinted that he would go to the Kerry outline "Israel is Humane country of the region "Watch the full speech

Globes, Video: News 06.03.14

GSS decoded stabbing at Geha

Cleared for publication: terrorist who stabbed Orthodox resident of Bnei Brak earlier this week was caught, served time in Israeli prisons in the past

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 06.03.14

Almost Lynch: Yeshiva students escaped murder

Initial release • Two weeks ago four yeshiva students returned from the Western Wall through Damascus Gate, where they were trapped by an Arab gang • minutes before the young Arabs hit them with an ax, one spoke up and saved his life • Last Shabbos the boys benched 'Hagomel' • full sequence of events

David Lustig, Behadrey Haredim 05.03.14

Small moments from large rally • Gallery tells a story

Yeshiva student in front of a line of embarrassed soldiers •a march of contact levels • and hat that was a sign of protest • photographer Yosef Rosenbaum presents a fascinating gallery

Photography: Yossi Rosenbaum, Behadrey Haredim 04.03.14

Al Jazeera reported on prayer rally • Video

Al Jazeera editor explained: "Our target audience is very interested in the subject of recruitment since we have a common theme" Watch the report

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 04.03.14
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