י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Rebbe strikes again: Religious Zionist rabbis – 'mumarim'

Rebbe of Tzanz - Kloizenburg attacks the religious Zionist rabbis, calling them 'mumarim' and 'bad - boys' • Speaking at his Beis Midrash in Boro Park he sharply criticized the Israeli government and Draft Law: "The army is a place of impurity - even in Russia they provide exemption for students" •"religious Zionism wants us to mobilize while settlers are fighting with the army"

Moshe Weisberg • Photo: Avlik Magazine 29.04.14

Hgr"s Cohen was named Maran at Litvishe event

The Litvishe conference of Gedolim was a show of support for the 'Chacham' • thousands at the annual meeting of Lev Le'Achim organization in Bnei Brak • view

Photo: Moshe Goldstein 29.04.14

Watch: Elchanan Touitou z"l laid to rest

Hundreds of Sderot residents accompanied on his last journey Elchanan Avraham Touitou, Ohr Baruch yeshiva was killed in a car accident • journey began with Rosh Yeshiva Hgrr"b Toledano, who was mourning the loss • More eulogized: Hgra"m Donat yeshiva mashgiach, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai Rabbi of the city Minister Amir Peretz and the Mayor Alon Davidi • No eye was dry at recitation of Kaddish • Videos and Photos

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 29.04.14

Police recommends: prosecute Hgr"a Yosef

Prosecutor's Office transferred the evidence against Rabbi Avraham Yosef on suspicion of extortion, fraud and breach of trust • Rabbi Yosef served as Rabbi of Holon since 1988, and also in charge of Kashrus in Ohr Yehuda • The investigation began a year ago on suspicion that the rabbi used his authority to force "Mehadrin" kashrus on businesses to purchase Beit Yosef products contrary to instructions of the Chief Rabbinate

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 28.04.14

Boro Park: kidnapping ended well

On Shabbos at noon two children disappeared from the yard of their grandfather in Boro Park • After a search they were located at a neighborhood resident

Moshe Weisberg and Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 28.04.14

Following anguish: Balad Rebbe zt"l

Mourning in Boro - Park • Balad Rebbe zt"l passed away, after suffering a malignant disease • His funeral was held on Friday afternoon

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 28.04.14

Yeshiva Students returned from north: Elhanan Twito killed

Chilling documentation: Ohr Baruch yeshiva students returned from the north through Valley Road • Driver overtook truck, collided with a Palestinian vehicle, capsized and was set on fire • Elhanan Twito z"l, 20, from Sderot, was killed • His funeral at 16:00 in Sderot • His friend Yinon Adani was badly wounded and taken by helicopter to hospital in Jerusalem • Daven: Yinon ben Angela

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 27.04.14

Indictment against the suspect extorting Rabbi Pinto

Michael Grimm, a member of Congress suspected of illegally recruiting half a million dollars for his campaign, will face criminal charges at the request of the Prosecutor General in New York • He is also expected to be charged with obstruction of justice and suspicion of lying under oath • The decision to radiate the investigation being conducted against Grimm - on suspicion of extorting Rabbi Pinto, head of the institutions Shuva Yisrael

Eli Shlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 27.04.14

"Haredi Nazis" was painted on the Jerusalem Mall • view

Visitor at Ramot Mall was surprised yesterday to see the address instigator sprayed on one of the outer walls of the building • He called the Jerusalem Police who arrived to document and opened an investigation • police spokesman: "Beyond the forensic testing, also opened an investigation on the intelligence" • Project religious Jews: "incitement against the ultra-Orthodox community finds ears pricked up at the edge of the public"

Eli Shlesinger and Yehuda Halevi, Behadrey Haredim 27.04.14
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