י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


State Attorney decided indictment against Rabbi Pinto

Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein decided to indict Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto • Suspect offering bribes to Brigadier General Ephraim Bracha, for providing information about the investigation conducted in the "Chazon Yeshayhu" • indictment shall be filed in the coming days • Rabbii; we will expose the truth about the case • "The Practice:" The decision not to conduct an investigation regarding Arbib - puzzling - the last word has not been said"

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 14.02.14

New usurpers of Mir: cellphone users

Rosh Yeshiva Hgra"i Finkel announced: mobile phone user in the yeshiva hall is a thief. and the first time supervision of yeshiva students

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 14.02.14

Double protest. Summarizing gallery from Atra rally

Lots of noises, lots of scandals, double parking and few people. Koby Har Tzvi presents gallery from the Atra Kadisha rally in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh

Photography: Koby Har Tzvi, B'Chadrei Charedim 13.02.14

Police recommends: put Metzger on trial

The findings of the investigation: Former Chief Rabbi took charge for Kaddish in Warsaw, and took to his pocket money for widows and orphans

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 13.02.14

Mayor of Beit Shemesh: 'High Court against Aboutbuls'

The High Court ruled: Beit Shemesh will march back to the polls on 9th Adar Beit • Aboutbul: "welcome the fact that the ultra-Orthodox are still allowed to vote" Watch Asher's reaction

Eli Shlesinger and Yehuda Halevi, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.02.14

Emerging: Lapid will waive criminal sanctions

Initial release • Likud pushing a compromise: instead of criminal sanctions Minister of Defense will have the authority to impose 'recruiting duty, in the case of non-compliance with quotas • Explosion Committee worked with representatives of Chabad, the dispute: the number of emissaries to receive recognition as servants, and recruitment at the end of the mission • Porush: none of the Chabad rabbis do not stand behind arrangement • discussion is closed earlier than expected

Yehuda Halevi, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.02.14

Pinto's associates: more officers took bribes

Features: information on other officers for closing the case against Rabbi • attorney accompanying the investigation threatens to resign

Yonah Shub and Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.02.14

Final: High Court rejected the petition of the yeshivas

President of the High Court Asher Gronis rejected both petitions, and asked them to delay the interim order to freeze the yeshiva budget for young men whose enlistment was postponed two and a half years • ordered the petitioners to explain why the yehsivas were not attached to the petition as respondents • Hiddush: recalculation of allocations have been made, Supreme Court decision only accelerates work of the Knesset • inside decision

Yehuda Halevi, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.02.14
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