י"ג אלול התשפ"ד


The accident in Ukraine: an improvement in the injured

Condition of the chassidat Breslev injured on Sunday in a car crash on the way to Berdichev in Ukraine – is improving, and she began to respond to the environment and speak • Waiting doctors confirmation to fly to Israel

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 07.02.13

Viznitz shocked • Rebbe asked: don't walk with wife

In a closed conference for avreichim only, the Rebbe of Vizhnitz encouraged a line of strict new regulations • Among the regulations: prohibition of taking a walk with one's wife on the street, a recommendation to wear a scarf on the wig, and speaking at home in Yiddish only

Shlomo Greenberg, Behadrey Haredim 06.02.13

Final: United meeting of two councils of Gedolei Torah this week

After negotiations and coordination the decision was taken • on Thursday the Council of Gedolei Torah of Agudath Yisrael movement will convene in a special session at Vizhnitz Hotel in Bnei Brak • After an hour of discussions - the Council of Gedolei Torah of Degel HaTorah will join it • MKs will not participate and will be called in if necessary

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 06.02.13

Third Iron Dome system was erected in the north

IDF continues deploying Iron Dome throughout the North • After the placing of the two systems in Haifa and Safed, third system was placed • IDF source: There is no connection to threats from Syria

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13

The unit commander ordered the soldiers to shave - and reprimanded

Unit commander ordered two religious soldiers to shave their beards, and when they refused - he dismissed them from the unit • Following a complaint they filed, it became clear that the commander exceeded his authority, and steps have been taken towards him

Yaki Adamker, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13

Four missiles were found in an ornamental pond in a nursery school

A police raid on a compound in a kindergarten and school in the north- raised much spoil • in the raid missiles were seized, RPG bombs and more • District Commander: we will invest all efforts in fighting the phenomenon

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13

Mother of Antwerp •Rebbetzin Chaya Lieberman a"h

In Belgium, Antwerp, Mrs Rebbetzin Chaya Lieberman a"h, wife of Rabbi David Moshe Lieberman, Ab"d 'Shomrei Hadas' in Antwerp and the Chief Rabbi of Belgium, passed away at the age of 82

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13

History • Barack Obama will visit Israel next month

For the first time since he was elected president Barack Obama will visit Israel • concluded the visit with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right after the election • Will visit Arab states and the Palestinian Authority too

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 06.02.13

50 haredi men will be trained to serve as nurses in hospitals

a special training program for haredi men: will become nurses in hospitals • Director of Nursing: "There is a demand from patients to be treated by a man. The haredi community gave their consent to train men"

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13

Research: "Orthodox books are as sharp as the Palestinians"

A new study argues that textbooks used at Haredi educational institutions are similar in their sharpness to PA books • Education Ministry banned the study: "This is a serious distortion of reality"

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.02.13