ט"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Court retreated: will not intervene on rabbinical court decision

The High Court reversed its decision to intervene in the decision of the High Rabbinical Court – which requested to release from prison a divorce refuse • "The Beis Din may order the continued detention or release, according to their decision"

Yonah Shub, B'Chadrei Charedim 23.02.13

Zygier was hanging for an hour - until his death was revealed

Investigation into the death of a prisoner X • Only an hour after his death, Ayalon Prison guards revealed Zygier's death • and Australia is increasing voices of criticism of the dual loyalty of the Jewish community

Yonah Shub, B'Chadrei Charedim 23.02.13

Bennett: "the window of opportunity for integrating ultra-Orthodox into society has closed"

Chairman of Habayit Hayehudi Naftali Bennett speaking at Habayit Hayehudi conference in Jerusalem and prepares his party for sitting in opposition • blames Netanyahu: "For many decades there was a natural partnership between us, but in the last campaign we were attacked with brutal force. Something in the partnership unraveled" • "There will be no disaster if we sit in the opposition"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.02.13

Searches for missing Israeli in Moscow

ZAKA - Russia, looking for an Israeli born in Ukraine, who came to study in Moscow and then disappeared • Has mental difficulties and his medical condition is not good

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.02.13

Ben Artzi kidnappers were sentenced: pay 10 thousand shekels for three years of imprisonment and extortion

The Beer Sheva District Court sentenced the punishment of the four 'kidnappers' of Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, who forced him to take up residence in an apartment in Tiberias – whilst using threats to harm his good name • the four will serve five months of community service, suffered a suspended prison sentence and will pay - each - 10,000 shekels of compensation to the mekubal

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.02.13

Drama in Golders Green • Police arrested Rabbi Chaim Halpern, his brother and two activists

Case of Rabbi Chaim Halpern in London thickens • This morning, the first time since the embarrassing affair was uncovered six months ago, London police arrested the Rav, his brother and two local activists - including a senior in "Hashomrim" - suspected of obstruction of justice • Community member: "embarrassing occurrence" • And why did the police intervene in the affair only now?

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 21.02.13

Jaffa archeological discovery: liquid extraction facility

Israel Antiquities Authority uncovered the remains of a facility for extracting liquids from the Byzantine period, during works at the archaeological site Magen Avraham, before making infrastructure works of Tel Aviv municipality

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 21.02.13

The High Court ruled: Meitzav in Orthodox schools - or sanctions

Court again intervened in Haredi education: ordered to hold Meitzav tests in ultra-Orthodox schools, and impose sanctions on those who refuse • Yahadut Hatorah: "We will not accept coercion and interceptions by the Supreme Court

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.02.13

Religious hoax: May women read the megilla?

A fake halacha ruling was spread in the name of Hgr"sh Amar, claiming women should not read the megilla to other women, and to fight this phenomenon • rabbinate was quick to deny • who is the forger?

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.02.13