ט"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Wife of R' Yankel. Mrs. Miriam Zuker a"h

IN Bnei Brak, Mrs. Miriam Zuker a"h, died at the age of 66, a well known educational councellor and wife of Hagaon R' Yaakov Zuker. She gave educational courses at Beit Hamorah in Sharansky seminary

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 10.03.13

One of great Oriental Paytanim. Chazan David Riahi z"l

Eldest of the Oriental Paytanim, the well known Chazan David Riahi z"l, was niftar at the age of 84. Used to sing on Yomtov at the home of Hagr"o Yosef. Many of the great paytanim are his students

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 10.03.13

Samuel Sandler: "It was the hardest year in my life"

In Jerusalem, a memorial ceremony was held on the yartzheit of the murder of Yonathan Sandler, his two children Arye and Gavriel, and the girl Miriam Monsonego hy"d in a terrorist attack at Otzar Hatorah, Toulouse. "I draw hope from Eva's deeds"

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 10.03.13

The taxi driver came to comfort: "I wish I could have died instead of the young couple"

The taxi driver who drove Nachman and Raizy Glauber z"l to the hospital, came to console the family members sitting shiva '• Family reassured: "You are not to blame for what happened" • family began raising money online for a Sefer Torah in memory of the couple • "After the baby died we knew that we must leave a legacy"

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.03.13

Eli Yishai: "Stop using the pathetic word "brother"

Eli Yishai in a severe personal letter • "It seems that a Jew boycotting a Jew is legitimate • beautiful words cannot sweeten the fracture and the depth of the rift • We will not turn the sword thrust in our backs against the settlers"

Minister of Interior, Eli Yishai 10.03.13

Christian Father complains: "they will brainwash the child"

The Christian father of the Orthodox boy who disappeared five years ago, was interviewed to 'Mako' • "I felt I was losing him" • The mother claimed to the police: "My heart feels that he is okay"

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.03.13

In the capital: Shabbos happening in Machane Yehuda in Givat Ram

Young Group initiates: Mass happening saturated with Shabbos desecration, at the Machane Yehuda market and the university • Eideh Charedis threatening: we will remove kashrus certification from dozens of shops in the market

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.03.13

L'shem Matzos Mitzvah • Satmar Rebbe bakes Matzos

Satmar Rebbe grinded wheat and came along with the most outstanding yeshiva students to the community's Matzo Bakery • B'Chadrei Charedim with a gallery of the preparations and baking

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.03.13

Escalation: Petrol bombs were thrown at the Temple Mount • Police took over the area

Serious escalation at Temple Mount: At the end of Friday prayers, young Arabs began throwing stones and Petrol bombs at police • Two Border Policemen and several protesters were injured • Police overtook the area with a concussion grenades • scooter rider threw a firecracker at the vehicle of the municipality • Video of the petrol bombs

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.03.13

Haredi winter • 'Movement' for Rabbi David Stav too

Movement chairman MK Tzipi Livni announced her support for Rabbi David Stav for role of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi • Will promote women's representation law in committee for selecting judges and electoral body

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 09.03.13

Gershon Mesika: "Haredim are our natural partners"

Settlers ask haredim to separate them from "religious of Ra'anana": Gershon Mesika, the Shomron Regional Council Chairman, said that as far as they are concerned "The Haredim are our natural partners"

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 09.03.13

More attacks on Arabs: minor arrested; to be released to house arrest

A minor was arrested on suspicion of involvement in attacks on a Jerusalem Arab teacher, will be released to house arrest • Attorney David Halevy: "the share of the youth in the assault – is minor. I'm glad about the court's decision

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 09.03.13

Tragedy in Zurich: charedi governor and his wife perished in a fire

Governor Rabbi Yosef Elbaum, 91, and his wife, age 74, one of the greatest supporters of the Torah have perished in a fire in their apartment • family members were rescued unharmed • will be laid to rest in the Chassidei Spinka plot

Eli Shlesinger, Shlomo Greenberg and Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 08.03.13