י"א אדר התשפ"ה


New CEO at Shas educational network: Yosef Boso

Boso served as CEO of Network Education in Petach Tikva • son in law of Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Maya and the brother of the deputy mayor Ariel Boso and Shas member Yehuda Avidan • "Network in Petach Tikva was directed by him in an exemplary manner"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.07.13

Shuvu Banim preparing: summer holidays in Morocco

Who is the culprit close to Rabbi Eliezer Berland in Morocco and caring for his needs? • Who did the entertainer Eli Yizpan give two plane tickets to? • will the rabbi fly to Uman this year for Rosh Hashana?

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 10.07.13

Following massacre - Muslim Brotherhood protests

Although the killing of more than fifty protesters - Muslim Brotherhood supporters continue to flood the streets of Egypt • The U.S. is considering whether to stop aid to the country and calls for restraint

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.07.13

Car of Toldos Aharon Rebbe involved in accident

Jerusalem: accident between two vehicles on Route 1 • One of the vehicles belongs to Rebbe of Toldos Aharon, who is currently on vacation in Austria • 4 lightly injured

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 09.07.13

Hgray"l Steinman: "very concerned about the yeshiva students"

Hgray"l Steinman concerned by the conscription law: "When they want to decrease Torah – we must increase Torah" • in a shiur to Orchos Torah students Hgray"l brought an example of desecrating Hashem's name is worse than secret idolatry - voting for secular rather than religious candidate

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.07.13

'Women of the Wall' whine: "They put us in the exhaust plaza" Watch the huge gallery

Orthodox victory: more than 5,000 seminary girls flooded the women's section at the Western Wall • Provocation women held Rosh Chodesh service at situated compound, exit to the plaza • whine: "The police gave into the haredi hooliganism. Has placed us in the back row of the exhaust box" • Two haredi detainees • Watch

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.07.13

'Women of the Wall' whine: "They put us in the exhaust plaza" Watch the huge gallery

Orthodox victory: more than 5,000 seminary girls flooded the women's section at the Western Wall • Provocation women held Rosh Chodesh service at situated compound, exit to the plaza • whine: "The police gave into the haredi hooliganism. Has placed us in the back row of the exhaust box" • Two haredi detainees • Watch

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.07.13

Now even Gentiles know: New York Times on Harda"kim

Against the government's approval of the conscription law - New York Times published article about Hardakim Campaign • "Haredi soldiers are called bacteria," says the influential paper

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 08.07.13

Jordan: young haredi collapsed in Petra • serious condition

Young haredi joined a group of mispalelim who came to the tomb of Aharon Hakohen near Petra, Jordan • On the way back he collapsed and lost consciousness • hospitalized in serious condition at a local hospital

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 08.07.13

F-16 crashed • Watch: pilots are rescued

Plane taking off from the base of Hatzerim in the Negev, crashed into the sea off the coast of Gaza • The pilots left the plane and were rescued safely in complex operation • Air Force commander stopped flights until clarified

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 08.07.13