י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Scandal • charges brought against Hgr"m Shapira

Storm in the Torah world • charges brought against Hgr"m Shapira - leading ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Jerusalem • allegedly instructed his disciples to use violence against suspect of child abuse

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 31.05.13

Australia: Court in Sydney against the Rabbinical Court

precedent • Supreme Court in Sydney, Australia, overturned the judgment of the rabbinical court in the city, in a lawsuit of an Israeli citizen against a local resident • "Dayanim tilted the law"

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 30.05.13

Swastikas sprayed on shull of Holocaust survivors

The phenomenon of destruction of shulls: in Bat Yam graffiti and swastikas were sprayed on a synagogue • The gabai, a Holocaust survivor, saw what happened and needed medical treatment • This is the fourth case in the last month

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 30.05.13

Peri Committee approved outline for equal burden • Lapid to haredim : "Need You

Peri Committee voted for the outline of equal burden, including the section regarding criminal sanctions against the haredi draft dodgers • However, the words that the Minister of Defense's authority to impose sanctions would be confiscated automatically, were left out • Lapid called a press conference and addressed the haredim: "my brothers, we need you with weapons"

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 30.05.13

Deri is determined: Harav Ovadia Yosef against Rabbi David Stav

New Rabbi's deal of Amar-Stav? • Deri: "In light of the vehement opposition of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef to the appointment of Rabbi Stav, we will oppose any deal" • "concerned about spreading rumors, prevent narrow interests"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 29.05.13

Williamsburg: two conferences for two factions of Satmar

Even the war against the "ravages of technology" is not able to unite the factions of Satmar • In Williamsburg two separate conferences to strengthen regulations against Internet will take place

Shlomo Greenberg, Behadrey Haredim 29.05.13

Elad mayor released to house arrest in Bnei Brak

Elad Affair: Mayor Yitzhak Eidan released to house arrest at his mother's home in Bnei Brak - until Friday • For Shabbos, he may return to his home in Elad • Will be allowed to enter the municipality in two weeks

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 29.05.13

Litvaks said no to Satmar: "Our resistance – is different"

Satmar leaders tried to mobilize support of Roshei Yeshivos for rally against the conscription - but was denied • Reason: differences in views • Hgr"d Soloveitchik "ready to delete all of Judaism for tails and some respect"

Eli Cohen, Behadrey Haredim 29.05.13

Shocking: yeshiva student was attacked and robbed in New York

A yeshiva student was brutally beaten and robbed in the neighborhood of Far Rockaway in New York by a Crime Gang • security cameras recorded the incident and the robbers were identified • Watch the documentation from the harsh event

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 28.05.13

The new regulation in Bobov: iPhone? No Sha"tz

The new regulation at Beit Midrash of Chassidut Bobov worldwide • Rebbe instructed that a person who holds an unfiltered smart phone, would not be allowed to go before the Amud and serve as shliach tzibbur

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 28.05.13

Fanatics against Chassidish Talmud Torah: teaching English

a sikrik group demonstrated against the Talmud Torah Kedushas Hatorah - Sadigur in Jerusalem which combines English studies program • Administrative Institute: "Operating under the orders of the Sadigura Rebbe and Hgrm"tz Silberberg"

Yonah Green, B'Chadrei Charedim 28.05.13