י"ח כסלו התשפ"ה


"Torah opinion to protest" or "do not do demonstrations"?

Hgra"b Wachtfoigel publicized in the name of Reb Chaim Kanievsky a letter of support of the rally in New York • but the sons of Reb Chaim published a letter against: "Do not do demonstrations" • Inside: letters

Yoel Koritz and Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.06.13

U.S. haredim against recruitment decree • Special Coverage: In preparation for gathering of tens of thousands

Tens of thousands are expected to reach a huge rally which will be held on Sunday in Manhattan to protest the recruitment decree hovering over the Torah world • Satmar Rebbe: "Everyone must go out and protest against the terrible decree" • Belzer Rebbe instructed his followers to join the rally • who are the speakers? • What has been printed for the participants?

Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.06.13

After a week: the baby who chocked during his Bris died

The baby who choked during his seudas bris, last week - died this morning at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon • baby was born to an Orthodox family in Bat Yam • blood covenant

Eli Shlesinger and Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.06.13

The first time since 1973: Israeli and Syrian tanks approached within 200 meters

Focus of conflict between the Assad army and rebel forces in the last day was across the border with Israel • Following warming: IDF forces advanced and stood just 200 meters from Syrian tanks, the first time since 1973 • Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working with the UN to find a country willing to send troops to monitor the transition

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 09.06.13

Big brother has iPhone - little brother not accepted to Talmud Torah

Principal of Tachover Talmud Torah in Tzfat refused to accept a child to school • The reason: his brother, 18 uses an iPhone • The principal to parent: "either you install filtration to the iPhone or your son remove your older son from home"

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey HAredim 09.06.13

France: bandits disguised as Orthodox and robbed jeweler

Robbery in Marseille, France: Four robbers, two disguised as haredi, sprayed a 70 year old Jewish jeweler with gas, led him to the store and looted it • After the robbery they abandoned him at a gas station

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 09.06.13

Mismeresh Hatznius corrupted car • Cops were attacked

Again riots in Beit Israel: 'Mishmeres Hatznius' vandalized and shattered windows of a car owned by haredi girls • Police who were called were violently attacked: windshield of a police car was smashed • Photos from the scene

Yoel Korets • Photo: Avi Lotan 09.06.13

Asked "can I shoot Women of the Wall?" - And was arrested

17 and a half year old who studied at a Jerusalem yeshiva asked the Rabbi of the Kipa website: "Are you allowed to shoot at the Women of the Wall '?" • The boy was arrested during a school trip in Beit Shemesh: and said: I did not mean it • investigation continues

Eli Shlesinger and Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 08.06.13

Dubious record • Boro Park dirtiest in New York

Sanitation Department of the City of New York claims Boro Park is the dirtiest neighborhood in the city • inspectors have stepped up enforcement and Dov Hikind, who represents the residents, is furious

Yoel Bittleman, Behadrey Haredim 06.06.13

Investigators raided Kiryat Vizhnitz • two arrested

IRS investigators raided Kiryat Vizhnitz in Bnei Brak and arrested two residents - one a sofer • This is apparently the branch investigation of the Association of butchers

Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.06.13

Bobov Rebbe is coming for a quick visit to Israel

After a year and a half: Bobov Rebbe Hrm"d will visit Israel next week • The reason: the wedding of grandson of the tycoon Rabbi Ben Zion Freshwater with the granddaughter of the head of the congregation of Bobov in Israel

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.06.13

Precedent: a woman in a senior position in the rabbinical courts

New Spirit: a secular woman will be appointed as Director of Public Inquiries at the rabbinical courts • "I came for an interview in pants and it did not affect the decision" • So far, a woman never served in a senior position

Nachman Gur, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.06.13

Because of Shabbas candles: Orthodox resort closed

Management of the resort were hundreds of orthodox vacation every imposed a ban on lighting candles in the campus due to a fire last year • Many canceled their reservation and will have to find an exchange location

Yoel Bitelman, B'Chadrei Charedim 06.06.13