י"ח כסלו התשפ"ה

Terror Attack In Yerushalayim: Chareidi Mispallel Tackles Terrorist And Saves Policeman

A police officer was moderately wounded on Shabbos afternoon in the old city of Yerushalayim when an Arab terrorist stabbed him, two Chareidim passing by assisted the policeman in neutralizing the terrorist – Eyewitness to “Bechadrei”: “He saved the policeman by stopping the bleeding with his Tallis, It’s literally a miracle”

  • י"ח אייר התשע"ז
 Terror Attack In Yerushalayim: Chareidi Mispallel Tackles Terrorist And Saves Policeman
פלאש 90

A policeman was moderately injured Shabbos afternoon in a terror attack in the old city of Yerushalayim. The stabbing attack took place Shabbos afternoon 1:20PM on rechov Hashalsheles, also known as the Armenian shuk.

Two Chareidm making their way back from the Kossel passed by as the attack was unfolding and assisted the officer in neutralizing the terrorist. The two then provided vital emergency medical assistance to the officer who was suffering from stab wounds to his neck.

According to reports, the two are Chareidi bochurim from New York, who came to Israel to spend Lag Baomer in Meron. The bochurim were making their way back to their rented apartment near the old city when they came across the terror attack as it was unfolding.

An eyewitness to the terror attack told “Bechadrei Chareidim”, the two bochurim instantly took charge- one of them tackled the terrorist and pinned him to the ground until security forces arrived. He was slightly injured from the terrorist’s knife.

The second bochur used his Tallis to stop the bleeding in the officer’s neck, thereby saving his life. It’s an actual miracle, I have never come across such bravery from bochurim so young”.

As “Bechadrei Chareidm” previously reported, a 57-year-old Jordanian citizen stabbed a policeman on Shalsheles street in the old city on Shabbos afternoon. Two Chareidim who passed by assisted the officer in neutralizing the terrorist. Despite his stab wounds, the officer managed to retrieve his fire arm and fire at the terrorist, who later died from his wounds.

The officer was taken to Sharei Tzedek mediacl center in moderate condition.
MADA first responder Yosef Kasoto, and MADA Paramedic Tzvi Tavnes, who arrived on scene said: “We found a 37-year-old man fully conscious and suffering from stab wounds to his upper body. Together with police forces on the scene, we administered lifesaving-first aid medical care, which included halting the bleeding and bandaged his wounds… He was transported while still being treated, listed in moderate condition.

Another male that was slightly injured while neutralizing the terrorist was also treated on the scene, and did not to be transported”.

Translated by Eli B.
Yerushalayim terror attack Old City


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