ט"ז אלול התשפ"ד

Lapid – Bennett alliance deepens • will present coordinated resistance to Ya'alon upgraded outline

Netanyahu and the hareidi parties are trying to drive a wedge between Yesh Atid and the Jewish Home, but in the meantime the relationship between the parties rather strengthened • Rabbi Shai Peiron of Yesh Atid holds meetings with rabbis of religious Zionism • Likud will present Ya'alon upgraded outline today - Lapid and Bennett decided together: don't agree to presented solution

Object together: Lapid and Bennett. Photo: Flash 90
Object together: Lapid and Bennett. Photo: Flash 90 צילום: פלאש 90

Despite all the efforts of Binyamin Netanyahu and the hareidi parties to drive a wedge between the two, the alliance between Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid is stronger than ever: Likud –Beiteinu plans to present today, with the re-opening of the coalition negotiations, the 'Ya'alon's upgraded outline' for solving the equality of burden.

But in Yesh Atid and the Jewish Home they hurried to inform that they will present a coordinated resistance to the new outline, designed to allow agreements between the hareidi parties, Jewish Home and Yesh Atid - and a common entrance to the coalition.

In the framework of the coalition negotiations, professional teams of the Likud – Beiteinu and Yesh Atid will meet at the Maccabiah Village, after more than a week since the last meeting was held between representatives of the two major parties.

In addition, the prime minister will meet today, for the first time in five years, with the chairman of the Jewish Home. The meeting was concluded after Bennett publicly apologized yesterday to the prime minister's wife, and said in a broadcast on Army Radio: "Sarah Netanyahu is a good woman. I'm sorry about the joke of the course in terror as if we went together. The assault on Sarah Netanyahu was out of place. She is a good woman who loves her husband, and he has the full right to consult with her, as I consult with my wife."

In the negotiations, the ruling party is likely to lay in front of its future partner changes and upgrades initiated by Prime Minister in Ya'alon's outline. But Ma'ariv reported that Yesh Atid and the Jewish Home are well aligned and the answer on their part about the formed outline will be negative. "If the solution is by Ya'alon's outline, Yesh Atid will not be in the government, "explained a source involved in coalition negotiations.

• Coalition negotiations stranded: Yair Lapid and Lieberman continue to bicker
• Bennett apologized to Sarah - and got meeting with Netanyahu

Yesh Atid will not compromise on the principle that the military is sovereign and not rabbis, and the army alone will decide who its wants to recruit and where to. All other details, they say, are negotiable: the draft age and the places to which haredi recruits will be directed.

Yesh Atid are likely to show flexibibility in terms of whether the layout will work through quotas which will determine how many yeshiva students can continue to learn, or if it is based on recruiting goals. "The difference between objectives and quotas is semantic", Ma'ariv quotes a factor of the party. "You can set a target of 95% haredi recruitment, which is equivalent to a quota of 500 yeshiva students can continue studying at the yeshiva. I understand the difficulty of certain people and others with the word quotas.

"But we will not compromise on the fact that all citizens of Israel, at one time or another, will contribute their share in military service or in national-civil service. The draft age and the question as up to what age one can delay the service, and what are the exact recruitment goals - all these are negotiable. But the starting point of the route is everybody going to the IDF induction base and that the IDF is sovereign. "

Yesh Atid clarify and say: "The debate is not about the students who will remain in yeshivos. The question is only if Israel is sovereign. Regarding the question of how to make the layout and what steps to take, if someone has a better suggestion, we are ready to hear."

Against the attempts of strengthening ties between the hareidi parties to the Jewish Home, when attempts were made to influence the religious-national party, inter alia through meetings with the religious Zionist rabbis and Gedolei Torah and Rebbes, it turns out that the party, which engraved on its flag that 'something new is starting', is in no hurry to support the hareidi position, but rather deepens its connections with Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid.

Rabbi Shai Piron, number two in Yair Lapid's party, himself a religious – national rabbi, currently holds many meetings with colleagues in the Zionist – religious rabbinate. "The cooperation between Yesh Atid and the Jewish Home is strong", sources in both parties were quoted. "They are consolidated in the opinion that anyone in Israel has to serve."


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