ט"ז תשרי התשפ"ה

Hagar"s Vozner protests at Satmar Rebbe: Why courts?

Although invited by the Satmar Rebbe Mahar"y- Hagr"s Vozner refrained from participating in laying the cornerstone of Kiryat Satmar in Bnei Brak • Hagr"s Vozner: "It is better to act peacefully"

Satmar Rebbe in Bnei Brak. Photograph: Eli Segal
Satmar Rebbe in Bnei Brak. Photograph: Eli Segal

Associates of Hagr"s Vozner leaked tonight (Wednesday) that Hagr"s voiced criticism to the Satmar Rebbe, because of his followers' appeal to court, and as a sign of protest did not take part in laying the cornerstone of Kiryat Satmar Bnei Brak

The Bnei Brak Satmar community, celebrated earlier this week, led by the Satmar Rebbe Mahary"y, the laying of the cornerstone for the establishment of the new campus 'Yitav Lev' in the neighborhood of Ramat Elchanan.

The event was attended by many Rebbes and rabbonim who are close to Satmar. However Hagr"s Vozner was conspicuously absent though at noon that day, he was visited by the Rebbe and invited.

Insiders leaked that Hagr"s Voznar said to the Rebbe during his visit: "Anything can be worked out peacefully and can be done in other ways. However when working peacefully, the chances of success and siata dishmaya are bigger."

According to some insiders, that entailed some criticism of the Satmar community activists who turned to the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court against the residential construction project on Kedushas Yom Tov street.

This is a housing project on behalf of Satmar and under the presidency of the Rebbe Mahar"a, and because of differences of opinion and an argument which arose between activists of the two yards, the work was stopped and the subject came to the court.

A few days before the arrival of the Rebbe to Israel, they published various leaflets protesting the step called by them 'Halicha le'erkaot'.

The three Beis Din's of Bnei Brak, Hgr"n Karelitz, Hagr"m Landau and Hagr"s Vozner, published criticism of the appeal to the court.

With this, the Satmar Hasidim of Mahar"a argue that the visit took a hard blow. It was not enough that despite the rally against the elections, Agudath Yisrael won 7 seats, but due to elections the visit received very little interest.

However, the Eida people claim that in the ballots of Mea Shearim there were low voter turnouts, suggesting that despite the vigorous efforts of Agudah, the Eida managed to prevent people of their community from voting.


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