Uman: Prime Minister's office refused Druze policemen to secure
Policemen from the Druze sector who were told that they could not secure those who pray in Uman – complained of racism. "A person who is fit to serve in the IDF and in life risking missions, is not fit for a security task overseas?"
- Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim
- כ"ד אלול התשע"ב

יעקב נחומי
Complaints were submitted to the police due to the decision of a security factor in the Prime Minister's office not to allow Druze policemen to go out on security missions overseas, including Uman, according to the Ma'ariv newspaper.
According to an officer in the operation department of the police, that same security body has been asked over the last few days to send a large number of security men to guard the tens of thousands of Israelis who are supposed to arrive over the Yomim Tovim in the Ukraine, to the place of burial of R' Nachman from Breslev.
As a result, a shortage of security men came about, and the security department of that body, turned to the police and requested help.
A few policemen of the Druze ethnic group gave in their candidacy, but a few days ago they were told that being members of a minority group, they could not fill the post of security. They were furious, and a few of them turned to the chairwoman of the Organization for Policemen's Rights, Oshra Assaf, who inquired into their claims and even succeeded in receiving a document of the security department of the police, in which it was explained why it is not possible to send policemen from a minority group to the mission.
Assaf sent a letter to the police commissioner, Yochanan Denino, and attacked the consent of the police to "the racist policy which discriminates between policemen based on their religious background". She wondered how members of a group who are fit to serve in the IDF and life risking missions, are not fit for such a security task overseas? This is racism which does not integrate into the police's values and themes".
The police operation department spokeswoman responded: "Employment in security posts outside the country is performed by the Prime Minister's office, which is the authority that approves the employment of each candidate. In the procedure of employing policemen in security missions overseas, there is no limitation of religion or origin of the person, rather it is dependant on the recommendation of his commander and of meeting the required conditions.
"In a clarification with the officer who disqualified the policemen's candidacy, he claimed that he was wrong in wording the answer, and the candidacy was rejected since he did not meet the required conditions. This does not concern the police's policy. Policemen and officers from all religions serve in the police in a wide range of posts and levels".
The Prime Minister's office did not respond, the General Security Services informed that it did not approach the Israeli police.
According to an officer in the operation department of the police, that same security body has been asked over the last few days to send a large number of security men to guard the tens of thousands of Israelis who are supposed to arrive over the Yomim Tovim in the Ukraine, to the place of burial of R' Nachman from Breslev.
As a result, a shortage of security men came about, and the security department of that body, turned to the police and requested help.
A few policemen of the Druze ethnic group gave in their candidacy, but a few days ago they were told that being members of a minority group, they could not fill the post of security. They were furious, and a few of them turned to the chairwoman of the Organization for Policemen's Rights, Oshra Assaf, who inquired into their claims and even succeeded in receiving a document of the security department of the police, in which it was explained why it is not possible to send policemen from a minority group to the mission.
Assaf sent a letter to the police commissioner, Yochanan Denino, and attacked the consent of the police to "the racist policy which discriminates between policemen based on their religious background". She wondered how members of a group who are fit to serve in the IDF and life risking missions, are not fit for such a security task overseas? This is racism which does not integrate into the police's values and themes".
The police operation department spokeswoman responded: "Employment in security posts outside the country is performed by the Prime Minister's office, which is the authority that approves the employment of each candidate. In the procedure of employing policemen in security missions overseas, there is no limitation of religion or origin of the person, rather it is dependant on the recommendation of his commander and of meeting the required conditions.
"In a clarification with the officer who disqualified the policemen's candidacy, he claimed that he was wrong in wording the answer, and the candidacy was rejected since he did not meet the required conditions. This does not concern the police's policy. Policemen and officers from all religions serve in the police in a wide range of posts and levels".
The Prime Minister's office did not respond, the General Security Services informed that it did not approach the Israeli police.
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