ט"ז תשרי התשפ"ה

Four 'Kanoim' arrested: we sprayed graffiti in Yad Vashem

In the apartments of the suspects, a large amount of material in abuse of the state and Zionism, next to flags of the PLO and color sprays, were found. Admitted spraying the graffiti at Yad Vashem and memorial sites in the Jordan valley and Givat Hatachmoshet. Watch.

Four 'Kanoim' arrested: we sprayed graffiti in Yad Vashem
קבוצת העיתונאים רוטרניק

After an intensive investigation, the central unit (YM"R) of the Sha"y district managed to arrest 3 suspects for spraying abuse inscriptions in the Yad Vashem site, Givat Hatachmoshet and memorial sites in the Jordan Valley.

The suspects, residents of Jerusalem, Ashdod and Bnei Brak, aged 18, 26 and 37, were arrested at night and taken for investigation by the central unit of Shay. During the arrests, searches were performed in their apartments, and a large amount against Zionism and the state of Israel was found, as well as flags of the PLO, color sprays and suspected material such as words of propaganda on computers.

The central suspect is eccentric, Sikrik and violent person, who is submerged in different and complex sagas which are connected to the violent lives of radical Hareidim.

The heads of the Sikrikim in Meah Shearim and Beit Shemesh "hire his services" from time to time. He was involved in the demonstrations at graveyards, violence in Batei Varsha, spaying on Hareidi women, and now the spray which shocked the country.
As said, the police arrested two other suspects along with him, whose names and pictures will be published further on. In addition, the police continues the chase after another suspect.

As known, on the 19.4.12 unknown persons sprayed graffiti on 3 memorial sites for IDF victims and the memorial site of policemen who were murdered in the Jordan Valley, and during this month abuse inscriptions were sprayed in Yad Vashem.

The chief of district, Major General Amos Yaakov, instructed the central unit officer of the Shay district, Commander Chaim Nissim, to open an intensive investigation to reveal the suspects of this event.

During the night, a primary investigation was performed, and those involved admitted in spraying the graffiti at Yad Vashem and the memorial sites in the Jordan Valley, as well as the graffiti in Givat Hatachmoshet on the morning of the Day of Memorial of Israeli soldiers who died in wars.

The suspects will be brought close to 14:00 pm for a extended arrest at the magistrates court in Jerusalem.

The chairman of Yad Vashem, Avner Shalev, responded to the arrest of the three: "We appreciate the work done by the police which acted swiftly and effectively. I think it was important for us to know the identity of those who sprayed the inscriptions. We are talking of radical people, anti-Zionistic Hareidim, who are on the margin of society, and do not testify about the majority which respects the memory of the holocaust.

"The innumerous responses we received from Israel and abroad, which expressed disapproval and disgust, testify that the distorted act hurt many and I hope that the court will deal with all severity with the criminals".
graffiti Yad Vashem spray Sikrikim arrested


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