י"ח כסלו התשפ"ה

'Lech el nemala atzel': What kind of message do we need to learn?

Why does an ant collect a large amount of grain although her life is short, what should we learn from this for observance and good deeds?

'Lech el nemala atzel': What kind of message do we need to learn?
פלאש 90

Shlomo Hamelech, the wisest of men said: "Go to the ant, lazy, see its ways and become wise." It is known that the ant lives an average of six months. In this short period, it can not eat more than a single grain of grain, but it collects a lot of grain to last it for many years.

And why does it bother and collect as much food as it does not need it? Even the ant as a small, almost invisible creature, knows and believes that G-d will extend its days and years, so it collects plenty of food, so that it would have something to eat in case it gets an extension from heaven... This innocent hope spurs the ant to constant work. It does not sit idly by, but works diligently from morning to night.

That is what King Solomon meant when he advised one to learn from the ant's behavior. "Go to the ant, idle" – go and collect mitzvos and good deeds, as much as you can, while you're alive and you have the power to help and provide for others, so that they accumulate for the future years in which Hashem will extend your life and years.

Indeed, one should always search for Mitzvos and good deeds, it is never enough and one should never say enough. Like the ant which collects grain after grain, a person must do a mitzvah and another throughout his life. And at the dawn of the High Holy Days, after soul searching and the annual balance of last year's deeds, we will ask for the coming year, that Hashem should fulfill all our wishes for the good and bless the year of grace and giving, with a Ksiva Vachasima Tova.

"Regret the silence once - and talk - twice."


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

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