י"ח כסלו התשפ"ה

On background of terrorist release: IDF attacked Gaza launchers

Last night Red Alert sounded in Sderot after rocket fire from the Gaza Strip to Israel • In response Air Force aircraft attacked launchers buried in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza tonight

Illustration photo: Flash 90
Illustration photo: Flash 90

For the fifth time since the end of Operation 'Pillar of Cloud': Tonight, around 3:00, IAF aircraft attacked launchers buried in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian reports, there were no casualties in the attack.

The IDF Spokesman said: "The IDF, using Air Force aircraft, attacked during the night launchers cached in northern Gaza. Accurate hits at targets were identified. All our planes returned safely to base.

"The attack is a response to fire of mortars at Israeli territory", carried out late last night at Sderot and the western Negev. A rocket exploded in the area was located by the security forces.

The shooting took place just before the 26 Palestinian terrorists crossed the border - 15 of them were transferred to the West Bank, and another 11 reached the Gaza Strip, where joyous shots and fireworks were fired. PA Chairman Abu Mazen received the liberated in Ramallah along with hundreds of families of prisoners who celebrated throughout the night.

During the previous night, just before 1:00 am, the alarm system were activated in Eilat. For the first time the Iron Dome system placed in the city over the past month, succeeded in intercepting a rocket fired towards the southern city. The interception took place after the rocket was aimed at a settled area. Two people were treated for shock, and a woman of about 40, who stumbled at the beach, when looking for shelter during the alarm.

"The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers and will continue to operate against anyone who activates terror against the State of Israel," said the IDF Spokesperson, "Hamas is a terrorist organization and responsibility lies on it."

Since the end of Operation Pillar of Cloud Tammuz תשע"ב

Isru Chag of Pesach 5773, for the third time that high trajectory fire was fired from Gaza into Israel since the end of Operation Pillar of Cloud in Tammuz 5772, the Air Force attacked two locations in the Gaza Strip.

On the night of Lag B'Omer, the Air Force attacked again several terrorist facilities in southern Gaza Strip, after a Qassam rocket was launched at the Negev Regional Council fields and interrupted the celebrations of Lag B'Omer.

On 21 Sivan, a month after firing rockets at Eilat, Air Force aircraft attacked a motorcycle in Gaza City, driven by Ziad Ibrahim Mas'hal, 24, a senior terrorist who was involved in the shooting.

A month ago, on 15th Tammuz, after about 6 rockets were fired from Gaza into southern Israel, the Air Force attacked two weapons storage sites in the central Gaza Strip as well as launching pit and a center for terrorist activity in southern Gaza.

Shortly before last Shabbos, the Palestinian news agency Ma'an reported in the name of Egyptian military sources that "Israel bombed the base of Global Jihad in Egyptian Rafah." According to the report, this is a base located near the border with Israel, near Kerem Shalom. According to the news agency, a rocket launcher was attacked and as a result of the blast at least five activists belonging to one of the Jihad organizations that operate more freely in Sinai, were killed.


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