"Hadran alach maseches Eiruvin" – called thousands • Gallery
Thousands of Daf Hayomi learners took part in siyum of Eiruvin in ICC • After the event, radical scattered papers against R' Aharon Leib - was beaten and taken to hospital under security
- Behadrey Haredim team
- ט"ז תמוז התשע"ג

In Binyanei Ha'umah, Jerusalem an event marking the siyum of Eiruvin, was held last night (Sunday) in memory of Rav Elyashiv zt"l by the Dirshu and Toda'a organizations.
The event started with ma'ariv by Rabbi Baruch Neuwirth, one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivat Netivos Chochma , who was shliach tzibur - for the iluy neshomo of his father Hagaon R' Yehoshua Yeshaya Neuwirth zt"l.
The first speaker was Hagr"y Efrati, who spoke in memory of Rav Elyashiv zt"l.
After his remarks, R' Gabriel Stauber, Director of Religious Culture in the municipality, spoke on behalf of the Municipality of Jerusalem and noted the gathering and learning of Torah in Jerusalem.
Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Tzadka, Rosh Yeshiva of Porat Yosef continued with great excitement, making a 'mi sheberach' for the learners and blessing them with Birkas Kohanim.
Hagaon Rabbi Asher Weiss, Av Beis Din Darchei Torah, spoke and said that he feels the shliach tzibur of tens of thousands of those who have completed Eiruvin and are starting Psachim. "Torah loves those who love it, and labors for those who labor in it, the Torah is not just parchment and ink. It is not just words and words. It has a soul," he said.
"This generation saw Maran Harav Elyashiv," he added, "how he was connected to the soul of the Torah. And the soul of Torah was connected with him. Zchuso tagen aleinu."
Thereafter Hagr"a Weiss finished the maseches while the entire audience participates in the siyum, and called "Hadran alach veda'atan alach maseches Eiruvin.""Od yenuvun beseiva"
Rabbi Dovid Hofstadter, who heads the Dirshu organization, spoke about the virtue of siyum maseches, noting the importance of unity and approximation of hearts for one another. "There are the wicked who want to harass the Torah world. We should think perhaps we ourselves prompted this evil. Maybe because we do not respect the Torah enough. When there is such hatred we have to search in ourselves, in the public who are G-d fearing, if there is not enough peace, that we see such hatred," he said.
Gedolei Yisroel came at about 22:00pm, including: Hagaon R' Aharon Leib Steinman, Hgrb"m Ezrahi, Hgr"s Auerbach, Hagr"a Finkel, Hagr"m Gross, Hagr"a Auerbach, Hagr"m Elyashiv and Hgr"d Cohen. In addition the Rebbes of Tzanz, Biala, Moz'ditz and Lelov arrived.
Hagr"s Cohen, head of Yeshivat Porat Yosef, blessed the gathering and his speech was on the merit of the tens of thousands of students. Hgr"s Auerbach spoke about the existential need to hold events in honor of the Torah. Others also carried greetings, the Rebbe of Tzanz and Hagr"a Finkel, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir - Brachfeld.
To the sound of singing "Od yenuvun beseiva" – Hag"r Aharon Leib Steinman said: "In matters of gashmius (worldliness) a person should eat and drink for himself, a person can not eat or drink for another.
"In spirituality the rules are different, a person can be yotze with another in a blessing, in Torah which is essential like air, one can be Zebulun and gain Torah. Without Torah the world can not exist and Hashem made that one can learn and the other will maintain him. And therefore one has to know that all of human life is the Torah, there is no Klal Yisroel and no world without Torah. "
The event ended on a discordant note: a radical scattered notes criticizing R' Aharon Leib. Those present beat him up violently. He was evacuated by the police force and was taken to the hospital.

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