Ben Caspit attacks Haredim and accuses: "You have no sense of humor"
Political analyst Ben Caspit compared Haredim to disabled IDF while he was writing about 600 thousand exempt men • Orthodox who read the words was alarmed - and received disparaging comments • Exclusive
- Yoel Koritz, B'Chadrei Charedim
- י"ט סיון התשע"ג

פלאש 90
Israeli journalist and publicist Ben Caspit published in his new home - after leaving Ma'ariv, - newspaper Sof Shavua a column on IDF personnel who receive disability percentage each year. Headline is described this way: "a huge and profitable industry around the IDF disabled."
In the column Ben Caspit brings examples of an industry which is gaining momentum and wrote this: "Every year dozens of senior IDF officers receive percentage of disability. Not because they are injured, but because they simply declare all kinds of diseases and symptoms of various kinds and receive disability percent rights. Absurdities are incomprehensible, but no one wants to get involved with the lobbying of half a million civilians. "
Later he wrote: "That's not what the legislature intended. This is not what Ben Gurion wanted. This is exactly what happened to the recruitment of the ultra-Orthodox. It started with 600 learners, which has now reached 600 thousand."
An Orthodox, active in the Dosim project, read the column and ran to Ben Caspi with the error: "Greetings", the reader wrote. "It is written by your signature item (probably wrongly) that that 600 avrechim of Ben Gurion turned into 600,000. Since I am confident that this was your mistake, I would like to draw your attention to correct the deformity. "
Ben Caspit replied: "Why an error?"
And for this the reader replied: "I refer you to the report Plesner Committee where you can find (p. 40 your convenience) that the number of yeshiva students today (including exemptions from Service) is about one-tenth the number you provided."
Instead of apologizing and correcting the distortion, Ben Caspi chose to continue to explain himself: "That is not the intention of the poet. It is clear there aren't 600 thousand outsiders of Service. We are not a country of 70 million. There are 600 thousand (men).
The reader replied: "That's why I wrote it was a mistake. Since it is clear that this is not the intention, but that's what was written. Additionally, if you mean the total number of men in kollel, the comparison to the 600 in the days of Ben Gurion (Incidentally, it was only 400) is not fair.
Then Ben Caspit chose to place the blame on the ultra-Orthodox reader: "Oh well. You apparently don’t have a sense of humor."
Haredi reader responded to this insolent reply, "What for you is humor, for an innocent reader is a fact. You would not dare use similar humor to the amount of Arab MKs in the Knesset, or any other minority group."
And thus the conversation ended.
In the column Ben Caspit brings examples of an industry which is gaining momentum and wrote this: "Every year dozens of senior IDF officers receive percentage of disability. Not because they are injured, but because they simply declare all kinds of diseases and symptoms of various kinds and receive disability percent rights. Absurdities are incomprehensible, but no one wants to get involved with the lobbying of half a million civilians. "
Later he wrote: "That's not what the legislature intended. This is not what Ben Gurion wanted. This is exactly what happened to the recruitment of the ultra-Orthodox. It started with 600 learners, which has now reached 600 thousand."
An Orthodox, active in the Dosim project, read the column and ran to Ben Caspi with the error: "Greetings", the reader wrote. "It is written by your signature item (probably wrongly) that that 600 avrechim of Ben Gurion turned into 600,000. Since I am confident that this was your mistake, I would like to draw your attention to correct the deformity. "
Ben Caspit replied: "Why an error?"
And for this the reader replied: "I refer you to the report Plesner Committee where you can find (p. 40 your convenience) that the number of yeshiva students today (including exemptions from Service) is about one-tenth the number you provided."
Instead of apologizing and correcting the distortion, Ben Caspi chose to continue to explain himself: "That is not the intention of the poet. It is clear there aren't 600 thousand outsiders of Service. We are not a country of 70 million. There are 600 thousand (men).
The reader replied: "That's why I wrote it was a mistake. Since it is clear that this is not the intention, but that's what was written. Additionally, if you mean the total number of men in kollel, the comparison to the 600 in the days of Ben Gurion (Incidentally, it was only 400) is not fair.
Then Ben Caspit chose to place the blame on the ultra-Orthodox reader: "Oh well. You apparently don’t have a sense of humor."
Haredi reader responded to this insolent reply, "What for you is humor, for an innocent reader is a fact. You would not dare use similar humor to the amount of Arab MKs in the Knesset, or any other minority group."
And thus the conversation ended.
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