"Eat the matzah and imagine the reflection of Rabbeinu"
In the Pesach Haggadah chassidim distributed to Vizhnitz children, it states that "when the child eats matzah - to draw and visualize the image of the sacred shape of the Rebbe"
- Eli Cohen, B'Chadrei Charedim
- כ"ח ניסן התשע"ג

Educational factors often drew criticism for preaching style and the brainwashing of the young children of the Vizhnitz community, based on King Solomon Street in Bnei Brak, about 'the sanctity of the Rebbe', whilst inserting in their young minds motives and values, Hasidic codes and various views, bordering on severe complexities in outlook, concerning the Rebbe and Vizhnitz chassidus.
In the past, B'Chadrei Charedim brought photos from a brochure designed for kindergarten children and Talmudei Torah of the chassidus, which gave instruction in the early morning and everyday laws, centering the Rebbe as the character to worship and about who one should think about every step of the way from waking up until bedtime, and of course throughout the station of the day and night.
On Pesach, it appears that once again they crossed the border: in the Pesach Haggadah distributed to students before the holiday, we find surprising teachings for children:
On one of the Seder signs, on the page which describes the mitzvah of matza, it says in Yiddish: one says a bracha on the matza and eats it whilst inclining to the left. One must draw and visualize the image of the sacred shape of the Rebbe".
Under the caption is an image with a Jew wearing a shtreimel eating matza according to law, and on his left side a picture of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe wearing a kittel and holding a sefer. The purpose is probably, to ease upon the child and bring before him the image he should imagine whilst eating matza.
Educators, who witnessed this Haggadah, argue that the education system of the chassidus should think again, before brainwashing the young boys, provisions that are inconsistent with common sense, to say the least. They say that these things are reminiscent of the commencement of the same developments in Jewish history, which ended as various messianic cults, such as Sabbateanism.
In the past, B'Chadrei Charedim brought photos from a brochure designed for kindergarten children and Talmudei Torah of the chassidus, which gave instruction in the early morning and everyday laws, centering the Rebbe as the character to worship and about who one should think about every step of the way from waking up until bedtime, and of course throughout the station of the day and night.
On Pesach, it appears that once again they crossed the border: in the Pesach Haggadah distributed to students before the holiday, we find surprising teachings for children:
On one of the Seder signs, on the page which describes the mitzvah of matza, it says in Yiddish: one says a bracha on the matza and eats it whilst inclining to the left. One must draw and visualize the image of the sacred shape of the Rebbe".
Under the caption is an image with a Jew wearing a shtreimel eating matza according to law, and on his left side a picture of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe wearing a kittel and holding a sefer. The purpose is probably, to ease upon the child and bring before him the image he should imagine whilst eating matza.
Educators, who witnessed this Haggadah, argue that the education system of the chassidus should think again, before brainwashing the young boys, provisions that are inconsistent with common sense, to say the least. They say that these things are reminiscent of the commencement of the same developments in Jewish history, which ended as various messianic cults, such as Sabbateanism.