Vizhnitz hosts Nadvorna: "Rabbi should be healthy"
Rebbe Nadvorna - Banya - Safed had surgery to remove a tumor and was released prior to Shabbos and was unable to return to Safed • Vizhnitz Rebbe asked him to stay in town and came to visit him
- Shlomo Greenberg, B'Chadrei Charedim
- ט' ניסן התשע"ג

א בליק
Last Friday night, the Vizhnitz Rebbe came to visit the Rebbe of Nadvorna - Banya Safed, who was released just hours before earlier from the Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv.
The Rebbe was admitted to Ichilov Hospital after Shushan Purim when a malignant tumor was discovered, and he had to undergo surgery which consists of removal.
On Friday afternoon, the doctors informed the family that the Rebbe can get home. The Rebbe who lives in Safed, was unable to make the journey home, what's more, he also had to recover and heal, and it was not sure that it was possible for him to do so, at his home.
Refua Vechaim organization of Vizhnitz found a luxurious hostel located for the Rebbe in Kiryat Vizhnitz Bnei Brak. The innkeeper is Hrh"ch Rabbi Aharon Eliyahu Feldman, son of Governor Hrh"ch Rabbi Chaim Moshe Feldman and son in-law of Rosh Yeshiva Seret Vizhnitz Reb Moshe Hager zt"l.
Half an hour before the setting the table, the Vizhnitz Rebbe who lives opposite the home of Rabbi Feldman, went to visit the sick. The Rebbe greeted the guest of the Kirya, and spoke words of Torah and current events.
Upon leaving, the Vizhnitz Rebbe blessed the Rebbe of Nadvorna - Safed for his recovery and feels good soon. "The Rabbi should be healthy and be able to lead the congregation," the Rebbe added.
Pittsburgh Rebbe at the Manashciz Rebbetzin
Another visit took place on Friday night in Ashdod, when the Pittsburgh Rebbe came after davening to visit the Manashciz Rebbe's widow, the daughter of the Rebbe of Shomrei Emunim zt"l who died last year and this is her second mourning within one year.
B'Chadrei Charedim posted last week that the eldest son HaRav HaTzaddik Rabbi Mordechai, will serve as replacement of his father.
Last Shabbos the Beit Midrash was packed with members and visitors who wanted to see how the new kingdom is underway. The Rebbe himself, who is appreciated by the congregation refused to sit on the chair of his father or a rebbe befitting fancy chair, and settled for sitting on the bench in the shul, although he davenened shmonei esra next to his fathers stender.
However, different things have not yet been closed. For example, it has not yet been decided whether the institutions will remain on the family name, or the rebbe will accept responsibility for them. It is also not yet known whether the Rebbe will return to his home in the U.S. for a period and then return to Israel, or to immediately copy his lifeline to Ashdod.
The Pittsburgh Rebbe therefore asked to strengthen the widow and her offspring, and after davening came to the house to encourage the coronation of the young Rebbe in order to keep the factories of his father going and return to normal functioning of the institutions as soon as possible.
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