ט"ז אלול התשפ"ד

Likud and Yesh Atid agreed: core curriculum in haredi institutions

Negotiations between Likud and Yesh Atid are stuck, but the parties agreed on guidelines • among agreements: core curriculum for all - including haredi institutions • Gafni: "We're with Yachimovich"

Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett. Photo: Flash 90
Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett. Photo: Flash 90

Alarming report: the negotiations between Bennett, Lapid and Netanyahu are stuck but the one thing that has been agreed on by the parties: compulsory core curriculum in Haredi schools, according to a report in Ma'ariv this morning (Thursday).

As reported by Ma'ariv the guidelines of the next government have been finalized, or at least some of them.

Among the most important agreements, adoption of the demand of Yesh Atid people to have core curriculum and the next government undertakes to act to change the status quo and require all schools to include the core subjects in the curriculum.

Yesh Atid members told Ma'ariv: "Likud did not debate with us on substantive issues, we came prepared with many issues, for all of which we came with a detailed plan, so it makes sense they accepted our opinion."

However, the talks were halted and seniors in Likud-Beiteinu claim that the only obstacle facing the signing of an agreement is the insistence of Yesh Atid to get the Foreign Ministry.

Likud refuses to give the portfolio and wants to save it for Yvette Lieberman, after Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein, backed the agreement between the Prime Minister and Chairman of the Israel Beiteinu and announced that there is no reason that Netanyahu will not retain the foreign ministery for Avigdor Lieberman, who is on trial in the nomination of Ambassador Zeev Ben Arie, and that the latter could again serve as minister.

Meanwhile, MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) said to Israel today, that "Until today we were in the coalition only with the right wing, but this story is over, it is about to change. Now we are with Yachimovich and frankly, we are much closer to her than to Orit Sitruk from the Jewish Home. "

Even former Shas MK Shlomo Benizri, attacked the right and said to Kol Barama radio: "They're just pushing the haredim into the left's hands. I hope they (the Religious - National) understand the consequences of what they are doing now."

Likud makes a spin

However Yair Lapid argues that the Likud made a spin and actually stalled negotiations on substantive issues:

"For two days Likud has been trying to claim that the coalition negotiations are on portfolios," he wrote on his Facebook page, "I have also seen reports that Naftali Bennett and I put an ultimatum to Prime Minister on portfolios. This is not true of course, and not respectable. The alliance between us is based, in part, on that we both believe in the importance of the statehood. Netanyahu is the one who forms the government, and none of us would give an ultimatum to the Prime Minister of Israel," Lapid wrote.

"This is a transparent attempt to distract attention from the real issues. Why is it transparent? Even Likud admit that if all I cared about this portfolio, I could be a senior minister a month ago. The reason I'm still not sitting in any office, is that none of us in Yesh Atid is interested in how many bodyguards we'll have or what car we get. The debate is not on seats (or rather armchairs), but on essence," explains Lapid.

"We want to finally get an answer about the outline of equal burden, we want to get an answer to our question why at a time when they want to make painful economic decrees for citizens, they want to form a blown up government of 28 ministers and waste hundreds of millions of dollars on void work arrangements? We want to make sure we can carry out our program to decrease housing prices, we want to know that education will not be harmed and we can start the "Decade of Education" we announced. I promised change. I promised also to lead to a party where politicians take care of the citizens instead of worrying only about themselves and their associates. Cabinet ministers should take care of the middle class, not the middle class in the government ministers," writes Lapid.

Lapid attacks the Likud, "Sometimes I think people across have not internalized, or they pretend they do not understand what we mean. They have not realized that the age of spin and leaks is over, and the public wants clean politics dealing with real issues.

Like I said before, most of what you hear or read about the new government simply does not reflect reality. It could be more interesting in the media to talk about the distribution of portfolios, but I didn't come into politics to be interesting, but to work. Since we did not get the answers on essential subjects, the discussion of portfolios will have to wait. "


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