י"ז אלול התשפ"ד

Hgri"g Edelstein in Beitar: "live by Halacha – be joyful"

Ponevez Rosh Yeshiva in speech in Beitar: gave the main talk in chizuk rally for residents of the city • at the end convened with rabbis of the city • Opening remarks given by Hagaon R' Binyamin Finkel and Hgrm"s Auerbach

Hgri"g with the local rabbi Hagr"y Tufik
Hgri"g with the local rabbi Hagr"y Tufik

Attended by thousands of Torah, the rabbis of the city of Beitar Illit, Roshei Yeshivos and Marbitzei Torah, a central chizuk rally was held in the hall of Yeshivas Ran in Beitar Illit, towards the upcoming summer time and the occasion of the difficult situation and threats made on the Torah world. The main speech in the rally was given by the Ponevez Rosh Yeshiva Hagaon R' Gershon Edelstein, who acceded the request of rabbis of the city and came especially to speak at the event for the honor of Torah.

The special chizuk rally organized by 'Lehavot Esh' organization with the assistance of the Culture Department of the municipality of Betar Illit, was held on Sunday evening at eight thirty in the Ran Yeshiva's hall. Loudspeakers transmitted the words of the assembly to the outskirts of the shull and the adjacent square, to allow the masses to hear G-d's word out loud.

At the start of the event, opening remarks were delivered by Hagaon R' Binyamin Finkel, who aroused some things that need strengthening and the Omer period which is a preparation for Matan Torah, continuously from the recent days of Pesach.

At this point, Hagaon R' Gershon Edelstein entered the Ran yeshiva hall accompanied by Hagaon R' Ya'akov Tufik Avi Ezri, Rav of Beitar Illit. He was greeted by Hagaon R' Meir Simcha Auerbach, who spoke excitedly and mentioned in his remarks about the sanctity of a Sefer Torah, and also mentioned the words of the Gemora in Makos, how stupid are people who respect the Torah and do not know to honor a great man and spoke at length about a great man who has more kedusha than a Sefer Torah. He concluded by honoring the Rosh Yeshiva to deliver the main talk.

In front of the huge audience which participated in the rally, Hagri"g opened his words: "Honorable Rav of the town, Maranan Verabonan verabosai, "Vayehi biyeshurun melech… yachad shivtei yisroel", the tribes of Isarel are here together, a public from all circles, all ethnicities, all the tribes of Israel together, if there is unity among the tribes of Israel then and "vayehi biyshurun melech" and there is a Kidush Hashem in that, that we proclaim and crown the King of Kings, Hakadosh Baruch Hu. "

"On the other hand, one should know that there is a matter of chilul Hashem and as is brought in the Gemora about Rav who said that if he goes four amos without Torah it is chilul Hashem. Bnei Torah, if one can clearly see they are Bnei Torah, if they have Bitul Torah during Bein Hazmanim and as there are those who are mistaken and think that Bein Hazamanim there is an exemption from Torah study, if there is Bitul Torah there is chilul Hashem, and here that they gathered in honor of Torah and want to hear the word of Hashem, this is Kidush Hashem."

Hgri"g extended his remarks on the high level of the days of Sfiras Haomer which are the days of preparation for Matan Torah, and every year the effect from Heaven returns, one can gain success in Torah more than during the entire year year. He noted that "it is appropriate for each and every person to set a daily time for learning halachos and mussar, that there by the essence of a person changes, and as I knew some people who were not so masmid in Torah, and when they started learning halachos regularly their situation changed and they became masmidim, and received more yiras shomayim, and it is known in the name of the Chazon Ish that dikduk halocha brings to yiras shomayim. "

"When a person lives according to Torah and his whole day is ordered according to halocha, he lives a happy and joyful life, and for example on Erev Shabbos while people are busy preparing the needs of Shabbos, sometimes time is short and there is anger and stress at home, but if a person lives according to halocha then he begins to engage in the needs of Shabbos already from an early hour, and particularly it is known in the name of the Chofetz Chaim that if, G-d forbid, a man deserves Geheinom, he is taken out of geheinom at the time that he engaged with the needs of Shabbos, and therefore one engages happily in it, and lives a happy life. "

The Rosh Yeshiva concluded by saying that we are now in the month of Nissan, about which Chazal have said "In Nissan they were redeemed and in Nissan will be redeemed", meaning that the days of the month of Nisan are days which are able for rising and adding rights which will lead to the redemption, may we merit siata dishmaya to be saved from those who rise up against the world of Torah, and be zoche to the complete redemption soon.

After the event, the Rosh Yeshiva convened in an adjacent room with the other town rabbis of Beitar who attended the event while they brought before him issues at stake in matters of leadership in the city.

The event was attended by the city's rabbis in Beitar Illit, Roshei Yeshivos and Kollels, rabbis and poskim, including Hagaon R' Yaakov Tufik Avi Ezri, Rav of Beitar Illit, Hagaon R' Meir Simcha Auerbach, rabbi of Beis Midrash Kiryat Ran and of Hadekel neighborhood, the Rebbe of Nadvorna Beitar, Hagaon R' Moshe Weinberger Rav of the kehillas masmidim in the city,Hagaon R' Avraham Stiglitz, Rav of the Tzanz community in the city, and Hagaon R' Menachem Koritz, Rav of Pinsk Karlin kehilla.

Hgr"g made his way from Bnei Brak to Beitar through Jerusalem. At the tunnels checkpoint near Gilo, a security vehicle was waiting for him on behalf of the Municipality of Beitar which accompanied him to the city and on his return, at the end of the event. But when Hgr"g's car arrived in the evening to the checkpoint to return via Jerusalem to Bnei Brak, it turned out that there was a long jam of tens of meters at the place. The reason was an accident which took place on the tunnel road and prevented the flow of traffic.

Rabbi Yitzchak Ravitz, one of the Beitar actifists, was asked to help in the matter. He used his connections and called in a police car which stalled a way for Hgr"g's car, and accompanied him to the road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.

When Hgr"g reached Bnei Brak, it was almost midnight. Hgr"g who was exhausted from the trip, had not yet davened Ma'ariv and his associates wanted to organize a minyan for him at his residence. But Hgr"g refused, stating that "there is an importance to daven at a place of regular prayer," and he wants to daven in a shull. The mispalelim of the Great Synagogue on Rabbi Akiva Street, who were not used to see such a mispalel and at such hours ... rubbed their eyes in amazement, when such an unusual personality, such as Hgr"g, suddenly appeared at the place and joined them for Ma'ariv.


'בחדרי' גם ברשתות החברתיות - הצטרפו!

הוספת תגובה

לכתבה זו טרם התפרסמו תגובות


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