י"ז אלול התשפ"ד


Jewish diamond dealer found dead in Antwerp

Tragedy in Belgium: Elle Mirianzik z"l, 52, a well known diamond dealer in the Antwerp Diamond Exchange, found dead this morning • Police are investigating: fall or murder?

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.09.13

This is the chicken • View: Kaparos in Meah Shearim

Voices of worshipers, cackling chickens and cries of children • Koby Har Tzvi roamed the streets of the Meah Shearim neighborhood prior to Yom Kippur - and came back with a spectacular kaparos gallery

Koby Har Tzvi, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.09.13

Tragedy in Bnei Brak: 4 year old drowned in mikveh

4 year old Sarah Spivak a"h and her brother went into the mikveh on Yom Kippur • She stumbled into the water and drowned to death • only after the intervention of rabbis, her body was released and funeral left towards Yarkon Cemetery

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.09.13

Putin's initiative won • Agreement with Syria

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov declared an outline for Syrian chemical weapons destruction • Kerry will arrive tomorrow in Israel to update the Prime Minister with details

Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 15.09.13

In midst of 'mi yichye umi yamus' - beeper began to beep

"Together with the father I cried in the ambulance" • Yoni Martin, paramedic of United Hatzalah, who handled the toddler who drowned in mikveh, tells the tragic incident that took place in the middle of 'Unesane Tokef'

Yoni Martin, Ichud Hatzalah 15.09.13

Atmosphere of Yom Kippur: peace between Satmar and Toldos Aharon

With one gemar chasima tovah call the Toldos Aharon Rebbe put an end to the ongoing friction with Satmar • What is the background to the surprising peace? • and who did the Satmar Rebbe hold a mi sheberach for on Rosh Hashana?

Eli Cohen, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.09.13

Pray with offenders • Nachman Berland's remand extended

Shuvu Banim community leader's son will remain in custody until Monday, along with another detainee • Reason: conspiracy to commit a crime and incitement • lawyer: directed police harassment

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.09.13

Elad heads: Zuriel Krispal will run against Srulik Porush

Get ready for the hottest battle in the city • After countless rumors - Zuriel Krispal will be Shas candidate for mayor of Elad • opposite will run Shlomi Emunim, Yisrael Porush • Shas sources: the official announcement of candidacy in the morning - at the home of Hgr"o Yosef

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 13.09.13

Elad heads: Zuriel Krispal will run against Srulik Porush

Get ready for the hottest battle in the city • After countless rumors - Zuriel Krispal will be Shas candidate for mayor of Elad • opposite will run Shlomi Emunim, Yisrael Porush • Shas sources: the official announcement of candidacy in the morning - at the home of Hgr"o Yosef

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 13.09.13

Barkat surprises: opposes Cinema City opening on Shabbos

Response to a petition to the High Court, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat expressed opposition to the opening of Cinema City on Shabbos • "Kiryat Laom is a symbol of the city government and not worthy to open the site on Shabbos"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.09.13

Walls of hope: National Bible Quiz for prisoners

890 prisoners registered for the National Bible Quiz of the IPS, held in Rimonim jails • the judgment: Rav Grossman and IPS rabbis • "do not check the people according to yarmulkes"

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.09.13

In middle of prayer: Satmar chassidim screamed "moiser!"

The young woman attacked by Nechemiah Weberman, who was convicted of indecent acts, came to pray at the Satmar shul in Williamsburg on Rosh Hashanah • congregation stopped praying, until she left

Eli Cohen, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.09.13

Attack recedes • Obama asked Congress to delay voting

Transaction to prevent attack on Syria progressing • Obama asked Congress to postpone the vote on the attack to allow promotion arrangement: Assad will deliver chemical weapons under international inspection and destruction

Yonah Shub, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.09.13

First time: Hgr"s Vosner will not speak on Shabbos Shuva

The first time in decades: Bnei Brak residents will have to give up the traditional Shabbos Shuva sermon of the Shevet Levi • sermon was originally planned for Thursday, but was canceled due to weakness • Initial release

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 12.09.13