ה' אלול התשפ"ד


Solomon Family Demands Entire Terrorists Home Be Razed

Per ruling of the high court, only the floor that the terrorist resided on was destroyed, with the indictment of his family members for assisting in the murder, the Solomon family is demanding the entire home be razed

Eli Shleyzinger 30.08.17

Arab Who Drove Terrorists To Shar Shchem Arrested

Five days after a border police woman was murdered in a Shar Shchem terror attack, police arrested the man believed to have driven the terrorist to the scene of the attack, despite knowing their intentions

Eli Shleyzinger 21.06.17

Three Underage Terrorists Four Attacks

Terror cell that carried out four shooting attacks against IDF soldiers near Ofra in the Binyamim region were arrested, they are expected to be indicted in the coming days

Eli Shleyzinger 07.12.16

Three Underage Terrorists Four Attacks

Terror cell that carried out four shooting attacks against IDF soldiers near Ofra in the Binyamim region were arrested, they are expected to be indicted in the coming days

Eli Shleyzinger 07.12.16

Police arrested the Ras al-Amud perpetrators

Four juveniles of east Jerusalem were arrested on suspicion of stabbing a Jewish resident of the Muslim Quarter • in a recent custody they established a link called "lovers of Israel"

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 15.11.12

Petrol bombs were thrown at vehicle near Beitar Illit

Petrol bombs were thrown at a vehicle traveling on a road near Beitar Illit • Passengers managed to escape, but the car was seriously damaged • IDF forces are scanning for terrorists

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey 28.10.12

Naftali Bennett: a lesson I learned in South Lebanon

Due to lack of military solution in Gaza, due we have to bear with Hamas? • Naftali Bennett, candidate for 'Habayit Hayehudi' party, draws conclusions from his own personal moments in South Lebanon

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 28.10.12

Gaza assault - head of the radical Salafi organization was assassinated

The IDF attacked Gaza this evening and killed the leader "A-Tawhid al - Jihad", who planned an attack on the Israel-Egypt border • he was eliminated with the global jihad activist • The organization is held responsible for the shooting at Netivot.

Eli Shlezinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 14.10.12

I.D.F. settles accounts: liquidations in Gaza strip

In the area of Beit Chanun, the air force liquidated two terrorists who were busy with last preparations for firing artillery towards the area of Israel. Earlier on, two terrorists of the sharpshooting unit were killed

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 21.06.12

I.D.F. settles accounts: liquidations in Gaza strip

In the area of Beit Chanun, the air force liquidated two terrorists who were busy with last preparations for firing artillery towards the area of Israel. Earlier on, two terrorists of the sharpshooting unit were killed

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 21.06.12