New U.S. president - and Ma'ariv newspaper not updated
First time in decades: the workers decided not to print the daily Ma'ariv newspaper, and update the NRG site • Reason: disturbing information discovered in the agreement with the purchaser
First time in decades: the workers decided not to print the daily Ma'ariv newspaper, and update the NRG site • Reason: disturbing information discovered in the agreement with the purchaser
Legendary editor of 'B'Kehilla', will serve as the editor of 'Hamevaser', a move that could promote the young daily newspaper over 'Hamodia' veteran • "The best choice that 'Hamevaser' could ever make"
After signing an agreement with the employees, the District Court in Tel Aviv confirmed the deal • Shlomo Ben Zvi will pay 80 million shekels for the newspaper, Amos Maimon will pay 65 million
Former editor of main news broadcast of Kol Chai, Yisrael Rosner, a Pinsk Karlin chossid, completed four years on the radio and will integrate into the writing team at Yated Ne'eman
Supporters for the Peles newspaper gathered at the "Heichalei Malchus" hall in Bnei Brak • Speakers: Hgr"d Zicherman, HaGaon Menachem Levin and Menachem Carmel • goal: raising subscriptions for the newspaper • Gallery
Supporters for the Peles newspaper gathered at the "Heichalei Malchus" hall in Bnei Brak • Speakers: Hgr"d Zicherman, HaGaon Menachem Levin and Menachem Carmel • goal: raising subscriptions for the newspaper • Gallery