New sign in Rav Chaim Kanievsky's house: no smartphones
In recent days, an ad was posted on the front door of Rav Chaim's house with a clear prohibiting to enter with a smartphone
In recent days, an ad was posted on the front door of Rav Chaim's house with a clear prohibiting to enter with a smartphone
"Ultra-Orthodox rabbis have waged a battle in recent years to stop the Internet from infiltrating their insular communities, they are losing the battle", writes The Washington Post.
More than 6 million photos and documents from the 20th century to star in a revolutionary museum can be accessed from any PC for free • Yad Vashem Museum plays a key role in the project
Thousands of Belzer Chassidim gathered in Jerusalem for the traditional "Shteidige Torah". The Rebbe spoke about the internet and stated: "There are advantages and disadvantages and it is best to filter it"
About 1000 businessmen showed up at the Karlsburg Beis Midrash in Boro Park, equipped with computers and Smartphones – and went out with an internet filter with personal adjustment. The organizers: everyone shouts - we act