Drink and Relax: Coca Cola is building a plant in Gaza
Rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip after Operation 'Solid Rock': today began work on the first Coca-Cola plant in Gaza
Rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip after Operation 'Solid Rock': today began work on the first Coca-Cola plant in Gaza
Serious default: 3 year old girl fell from vehicle while traveling in Jerusalem, because she was not wearing a seat belt •driver's license was revoked and will be questioned
Flatbush residents were horrified to find that over fifty car tires were punctured by an anonymous • this is what it looked like in security cameras • Video
The investigation uncovered transcripts • Rabbi: "I swear to God I did not give bribes. If I did – I won't finish the year "And what became clear later on?
Bobov Rebbe arrived tonight to visit the Satmar Rebbe to wish Mazal Tov on the marriage of her granddaughter. Watch the video and visit the gallery
Greece agitated: representatives of local radical anti-Semitics, desecrated Holocaust memorial stationed in Athens
Knesset finally approved public servant Rabbis will not be able to charge for preparing canopies • City Rabbis will be required to fill the quota of canopies
Monsey Shuttle driver of Chabad cheder, let off the children 10 stops away from their home, in the middle of a busy road and the heat of the day. He was arrested
Sign posted in a mobile products store in which settlers dancing in front of an army tank are seen • Arduan met with Obama after a prolonged break
Shmuel Yaakov Rosenthal, a resident of Jerusalem, and another minor who wear a skullcap, were arrested after they tried to play a prank in the police as if they were kidnapped • Listen
In an unusual ruling, the court convicted Rabbi Elitzur Segal for insulting a public worker • He attacked 8 years ago the military rabbi on his support of for the disengagement
How does the police take care of a religious car blocking another car? • Answers: a. Sends two police cars b. Sends a police car to the brother in another neighborhood, c. Contacts the brother
In the Sheba hospital, Hagaon R' Dov (Berl) Weintraub zt"l, one of the greatest Talmidei Chachomim in Bnei Brak, passed away tonight at the age of 81 • His funeral will leave at 13:00 today from Kollel Chazon Ish