ה' אלול התשפ"ד


Young man stabbed in neck near Hebron, severely wounded; Terrorist was killed

The wave of terror continues to hit the streets of Israel • Attack in Beit Anun north of Kiryat Arba - a terrorist stabbed a 19 year-old Israeli in his upper body and injured him, the terrorist was killed • The youngster was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital in J-lem, sedated and on respirator

Eli Schlesinger 26.10.15

Documentation from scene: Watch terrorist assault with knife on police officer

Video of terrifying moments exposed – a young Arab assaulted police officers and stabbed them at the Damascus Gate on Shabbos • Three policemen were wounded; One seriously wounded by gunfire of the security forces • this morning: a terrorist stabbed a security guard at Lion's Gate, and was killed on the spot

Eli Schlesinger 12.10.15

Shabbat of fire: rockets in the south; riots in Jerusalem

A Grad rocket was fired at Sderot on Friday night • a parked bus was hit, Iron Dome intercepted another rocket fired at Ashkelon • Air Force attacked targets in Gaza in response • riots in East Jerusalem

Eli Schlesinger 20.09.15

"One Iranian atomic bomb could kill 6 million Jews in one day"

Without a real chance to influence, yesterday opponents of the nuclear deal with Iran opened an acute media blitz against the president and agreement • For this purpose they recruited the former deputy president of Bush • White House: Cheney was wrong in the war with Iraq, and is wrong now

Globes 10.09.15