כ' אלול התשפ"ד


IDF bombed the house of Mahmoud al- Zahar • ultimatum ended; barrage towards Eshkol and Ashkelon

This morning rockets were fired at towns in Eshkol and at Ashkelon • During the night air force destroyed the home of number 2 of Hamas Mahmoud al-Zahar and Interior Minister Fathi Hamad • IDF ordered a hundred thousand residents of the northern Gaza Strip to be evacuated until eight o'clock • More than 160 rockets shot since yesterday morning • Dror Henin from Beit Aryeh was killed by a mortar shell while distributing gift packages to soldiers at the Erez Crossing coverage updated

Eli Shlesinger and Yonah Shub 17.07.14

Silent victims of war • Mrs. Finkel OBM

Feige Esther Finklel, aged 74, Chairman of "Ezer Halbasha" U.S. wife of Hagaon R' Yitzchok Finkel, died after a heart attack as a result of siren • Profile

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 14.07.14

Falls in Ashkelon • Squadron force raided compound in Gaza; 4 soldiers wounded

16 year old boy was seriously injured by a direct hit; Another slightly injured by shrapnel from interception of Iron Dome system • 3 falls in Ashkelon • at 6am siren went off in central Israel • Squadron raided compound in Gaza; Four soldiers wounded • IDF distributes leaflets urging Palestinians to leave their homes: "Those who do not would endanger their life" • Hamas: "We refused "silence for peace" Updated coverage

Eli Schlesinger and Yonah Shub, Behadrey Haredim 14.07.14

Non-stop shooting: a barrage of 30 rockets at Ashdod, Ashkelon and Kiryat Malachi

Rocket fire from Gaza continues • 30 rockets tonight in Southern cities including Ashdod, Ashkelon, Kiryat Malachi and Rechovot • Iron Dome intercepted some of the rockets • over one hundred rockets were fired all over the country • detected suspicious movement of water in Zikim beach • IDF closed the area and held extensive search• Air Force attacks in Gaza • one of the strikes in Gaza killed a Hamas journalist • extensive and updated coverage Gallery Video

Eli Shlesinger 13.07.14

Rockets and interceptions over the skies of Tel Aviv

Two rockets were intercepted over Gush Dan, one landed in an open area • rocket was intercepted over the skies of Beit Shemesh • damage to buildings in the western Negev • Front Command instructed to open shelters in Haifa • IDF continues to attack Gaza • extensive and updated coverage Gallery Video

Eli Shlesinger 10.07.14
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