כ' אלול התשפ"ד


Soldiers' tour in Bnei Brak ended violently • watch

'Hardakim' riots return: a group of twenty army officers toured the heart of Bnei Brak, next to Itzkowitz shull • yeshiva boys called out 'Hardakim out' • bystanders intervened and some beat the protesters and a violent melee broke out • officers left the place unharmed • eyewitness: "There is no gratitude for soldiers' sacrifice?"

Eli Schlesinger 07.10.14

"Lapid will protect the rights of Sabbath-observers with weapons"

Video: MK Dov Lipman commented in an interview to Behdarey Haredim on the press conference party scandal held by his chairman on Sabbath - "The Minister admitted he made a mistake" • "Lapid told me he himself is prepared to take weapons and stand at the entrance to the synagogue to protect the right of Sabbath-observers "• is the answer satisfactory for you?" Lapid is a man, who said I was wrong. That's enough for me, "Watch the interview

Avi Shiff 07.10.14

'Yashmienu salachti': Summary of Holy Day in Hassidic centers

Price of opening the heichal at Harav Wasner, Kiddush Levana at Harav Steinman and campaign which ended at Lelov • Where did they celebrate 90th birthday of Rebbe of Seret Viznitz? • What did Rebbe of Boyan ask? • For how much was Maftir Yonah sold at Nadvorna and Toldos Aharon? • Why did Rabbi Berland not get an aliyah, and why did the Rebbe of Pittsburgh not daven at the amud for the first time? • Special Project

Moshe Weisberg 05.10.14

Netanyahu to Obama: "Do not let Iran have nuclear weapons"

Israeli Prime Minister asked the American president not to allow concessions to Iran developing nuclear weapons, even if they join the struggle against the terrorist organization ISIS • Netanyahu stated that peace will be conditional promoting mutual rock hard security arrangements • "Obama declared:" There must be an effort to change the status quo between Israel and the Palestinians"

Avi Schiff 03.10.14

Rabbi Melamed blames: "Netanyahu deceived me"

Rosh Yeshiva of Beit El gave a Drasha on Shabbat Shuva and attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu • "Netanyahu prevents the last signature on the approval of 300 housing units promised he me personally in an agreement, following the destruction of Ulpena neighborhood. I did my share and he deceived me" • spokesman of neighborhood: "units will be built at the end, the only question is by whom"

Avi Schiff 28.09.14

Government advisors decision: an indictment against Rabbi Pinto

Prosecution confirms: It was decided to indict Rabbi Yeshayahu Pinto in an agreement in which he will admit and convicted facts of the indictment and cooperate regarding the investigation of Arbib • Rabbi convicted of giving bribes in the amount of 400 thousand shekels • the prosecution would require a sentence of one year in prison only a year probation and fine • Rabbi's devotees "mask distortion and outrageous injustice"

Eli Shlesinger 19.09.14
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