כ' אלול התשפ"ד


Morning after: "With faith we will overcome"

A day after the massacre which took place at Bnei Torah synagogue in Har Nof neighborhood in Jerusalem - worshipers returned for morning prayer • and Bennett joined

Moshe Weisberg 20.11.14

Gratitude• "there is no place in the world where a traffic cop becomes counter-terrorism"

Thousands attended the funeral of the late policeman Zidane Seif from Yanuh-Jat village, including dozens of Haredim • Seif died of his wounds after an exchange of fire with the perpetrators of the massacre at Har Nof • resident of the neighborhood: "It's the least we can do to express our thanks and condolences to the family" • MK Eli Yishai delivered an emotional eulogy • Hgr"ym Rubin to Saif family "his devotion will be a symbol to the Druze community and the Jewish people • blessed memory

Yonah Shub and Eli Shlesinger 20.11.14

Spilled blood like water • "slaughtered and butchered soaked in blood" • watch: Funeral of Kedoshim in Har Nof

"The four victims murdered wrapped in a prayer shawl and phylacteries" • Journey funeral of Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Twersky hy"d left from Sanhedria Murchevet, and the funeral of the three additional victims murdered in the terrible massacre in Har Nof morning - Rabbi Kalman Zev Levin, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg and Rabbi Aryeh Kofinsky hy"d - from the synagogue where they were killed • Behadrey Haredim with documentation of heartbreaking funeral of the Kedoshim • coverage Video gallery

Moshe Weisberg. Photography: Aharon Vahab and Avi Shiff 18.11.14

"Fall of Shas will harm entire haredi public"

Shas falls in the polls: MK Yaakov Margi in interview with Behadrey Hredim, "a decline in the power of Shas is bad news for all the weaker sectors and the entire haredi public" • "It's hard to point to one reason for the trend in polls - security discourse, sitting in the opposition, death of Maran and internal conflicts are detrimental "• "We need to come together and start doing field work" •Watch the interview

Avi Schiff 18.11.14

Worrying poll: Shas stands on 7

Channel One poll: Majority do not want an election, Netanyahu leads the race for prime minister, Lieberman second place

Avi Schiff 16.11.14

Viznitz purchased a building in Bnei Brak for 70 million

Vizhnitz Rebbe announced yesterday the closing of the transaction: Hasidism acquired a 9-storey building in the center of King Solomon Street in Bnei Brak • The building: The building, Zol U'Begadol building adjacent to Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grocery across the street • The cost: about seventy million "• Hassidus still searching for structures, and will make additional acquisitions in the region • Rebbe will take off for a quick visit to the United States on Motzei Shabbos

Moshe Weisberg 11.11.14

"Troubles are increasing - towards the coming of mashiach"

At the end of the conference of Va'ad Hayeshivos, R' Aharon Leib spoke with Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevez Hgr"g Edelstein and explained: "The closer you get to the mashiach, the harder it gets, the way to be saved is through the observance of Shabbos" • new appointments to the committee were approved, including representatives of the Hasidic yeshivas • R' Aharon Leib asked Hagaon R' Shalom Cohen for a brocha and said, "when Mashiach comes, we have a Cohen Gadol" • view

Avi Schiff and Yonah Shub 11.11.14

The yeshiva Board held a historic union conference

Riots in the Arab sector continues • Peretz abandons Government • The yeshiva committee met Hgray"l's home and featured Hgri"g Edelstein, Hgr"sh Auerbach, Hgr"sh Cohen, Hgr"sh Alter and others • following the situation of Hgr"y Bernstein added a name • Putin praises the Ribbentrop - Molotov agreement • You will not believe who the comedian from Times Square is • view

Kaveret Editorial Board 11.11.14

Hundreds protest against the desecration of the Sabbath in Jerusalem

Hundreds demonstrated on Friday night against the desecration of the Sabbath in the center of Jerusalem • protesters prayed Shabbat prayers and and Maariv in Carlebach version, accompanied by singers Aaron and Yonatan Razel • City Councilman Yitzchak Pindrus to Behadrey Haredim: "This is the beginning of the struggle for the character of Jerusalem" • Yahadut Hatorah faction will convene tomorrow to examine the continuation of the struggle

Avi Shiff 10.11.14

Wave of stone throwing; Police raised alert

Two injured when stones were thrown at an Egged bus traveling on Highway 65, across from Iron police station • 3-year-old toddler was wounded in the head by stones thrown at his car, near the Shiloh intersection • Hundreds of Haifa Arabs demonstrated against the killing of youngster om village of Qana • Wave of stone throwing at Jerusalem Light Rail • Israeli police commissioner raised alert and clarifies: "There is full backup for cops" • Watch the video

Yonah Shub and Eli Schlesinger 10.11.14
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