כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Ceasefire broke down: Netanyahu scraps with Bennett

Twitter war • After an extended period during which they did not attack each other, Prime Minister opens quarrel with the Jewish Home • "It will be a partner in the next government," chirped the prime minister, "but if she loses mandates - it's not a disaster," • In response Bennett tweeted back and reminded how Netanyahu sought to exclude his party from the government • Kahlon joined the celebration • Is the ugly battle between the two returning?

Avi Shiff 08.02.15

Rabbi Daniel Bitton married his son, and they all came to congratulate

President of the institutions Orot Hateshuva and head of Hamaor Institute, Rabbi Daniel Bitton married off his daughter last night at the great International Convention Center • Gedolei Yisrael, rabbis, Hasidic leaders, religious judges and public figures, dozens of students and guests from Israel and abroad - came to wish Mazal Tov • Watch

Moshe Weisberg Photography: Yaakov Cohen 08.02.15

Toldot Avraham Yitzchak Rebbe taken to the hospital

Hold us sages of Israel: Rebbe felt ill at the height of seuda shlishit at his home in Mea Shearim • Rescue teams who were called to his home, gave him first aid and he was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital • Rebbe weakened since he suffered cardiac arrest two months ago • Pray for : Rebbe Shmuel Yaakov ben Yenta

Moshe Weisberg 08.02.15

The police is considering partially to close Ponovezh

The conflict between warring factions at Ponovezh Bnei Brak, reached an unprecedented low: tear gas, standers flying, breaking into a boarding school building, and violence against children and Rosh Yeshiva - that's what happened tonight on the hill • behadrey haredim learned that police considering closing some of the buildings: "that produce a lot of violence" Watch the documentation of the destruction and violence

Yonah Shub 02.02.15

Drop includes: Haredi radio loses 10%

TGI survey released today suggests a further easing of listening to the orthodox radio - as part of the decline in all communications in print and radio • However, as far as the percentage of listening in the Haredi sector - there is a minimal increase • Kol Berama is still leading with 5.6% listening, only half a percent more Kol Chai of 5.1% listening • 2 stations have lost about 10%

Shmuel Eliav and Eli Cohen 27.01.15

Exposure: Chabad rabbis operate for right-wing union

Chabad tribunal member Rabbi Yehuda Yaroslavsky and Rabbi Moshe Havlin met last night with Rosh Yeshiva, Kisei Rachamim Hagaon Rabbi Moshe Mazuz, to promote the union of Eli Yishai's party with' Jewish power 'of Ben-Ari and Marzel • This is the first time the Chabad rabbis find political involvement, contrary to the opinion of the Rebbe zt"l • Chabad factor: "There is no identification with the party"

Avi Shiff 27.01.15

The petition the integration of women in Shas and Gimmel was dismissed

The petition which demanded to integrate women in the haredi parties and filed by several women - was rejected by three judges • "Today we are only four days before the deadline for submission of lists of candidates for the Knesset. It is clear that such a short period cannot be held clarification on this petition, the issue it raises is not simple, to say the least"

Eli Shlesinger 27.01.15

Precedent: Beit Shemesh municipality will compensate the affected women

The court ordered the municipality of Beit Shemesh and the Mayor Moshe Abutbul fee of NIS 15 million in each of the four women who sued them, in respect of humiliation and damage caused to them by signs calling for women to dress modestly • The women claimed that the signs make them very strong feelings of humiliation and insult, and that the municipality did not do enough to remove them

Eli Shlesinger 26.01.15

Granddaughter of senior rabbi of Breslov killed in accident

Mourning in Breslov: Feige Hannah Arush, one and a half years old, granddaughter of Hagaon Rabbi Shalom Arush, head of Yeshivat Chut Shel Chessed in Jerusalem, was killed in an accident in South • family returned at dawn from Baba Sali's hilula in Netivot • near Sderot, their car collided with another vehicle • The infant was taken to hospital where she was declared dead • baby's father, Rabbi Shimon, is seriously injured • 4 others in light to medium condition

Yonah Shub and Eli Schlesinger 26.01.15

New member of Shas Council at R' Aharon Leib's home

Hagaon Rabbi Reuven Elbaz who was appointed member of the Council of Torah Sages of Shas came to the homes of R' Aharon Leib, R' Chaim Kanievsky, R' Gershon and R' Yaakov Edelstein to receive their blessings on the appointment • Harav Elbaz was crowned last Thursday by the President of the Council Hagr"s Cohen who came to Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim • The RAv came accompanied by his son Rabbi David Elbaz, and and stayed in R' Aharon Leib's room for about fifteen minutes

Moshe Weisberg 20.01.15
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