כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Blackmail affair that inflames the Bnei Brak: indictments were filed

Two residents of Bnei Brak suspected they extorted approximately NIS 85,000 from 55 year old city resident • "he is unfortunate, it is possible to withdraw money from him" • later they told him a Rabbi said that for 'atonement' he must continue to pay •all the details

Eli Shlesinger 12.05.15

Shas coalition agreement signed on full Watch the agreement

After signing the agreement in outline form last Monday, today agreement negotiation teams signed in full • Shas will get economy, Negev and Galilee and Religious Affairs, Deputy Minister or Minister of Finance, another deputy and chairman of Education Committee • Watch the complete Agreement

Avi Schiff 11.05.15

Report: new government's swearing in to be postponed

The opposition's petitions and legal opinions make it difficult for government expansion • the possibility to postpone the government's swearing in next week, is considered • Supreme Court judge ordered the Knesset to respond to the petition against the expansion of the government, until tomorrow morning

Eli Schlesinger 11.05.15

Historical video: Boyan Rebbe 75 years ago

Hasidic tale about the delivery of the ancient tradition of lighting in Meron to the Rebbe of Boyan wins rare confirmation • Watch the special movie

Eli Shlesinger 11.05.15

Bracha from Miron • family awaits all guests at the Rashbi

The children move out of their rooms with joy, people sleep under the table or on the couch and do not have to know each other personally - if you came to Rashbi and are looking for a hot meal or coffee and cake - you have an address

Shifi Charitan 08.05.15

Pesach Sheni: Korban Pesach training

Special for Pesach Sheni: kohanim, sheep and sacrifices • Practice ahead of the Passover sacrifice at the Temple that took place this year

Eli Shlesinger 05.05.15

Police raided 'Be'er Miriam'; Aharon Ramati arrested

Further to the investigation in progress for months around the seminary Be'er Miriam of Aharon Ramati in Jerusalem, police raided the institution this morning, and arrested six women, including Ramati's wife and daughter • Ramati himself was not there, and was arrested an hour later

Eli Schlesinger 04.05.15
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