י"ט כסלו התשפ"ה


Fruits of incitement: Hareidi sector - the most hated in Israel

Poll of Yedioth raises disturbing data: The hareidim are the most hated sector in Israel with 32% hostile and only 16% fans • followed in descending order by: leftists, Arabs, settlers and Reform • Rightists get 35% sympathy, as well as the religious sector

Avi Schiff 25.09.15

Mofes of Rebbetzin: "Son has a face of Chosson"

The Mofes which excites Nadvorna: a father came to get a blessing at the Rebbetzin with his sons, and got a remark about an upcoming shidduch which was realized immediately

Moshe Weisberg 20.09.15

Shabbat of fire: rockets in the south; riots in Jerusalem

A Grad rocket was fired at Sderot on Friday night • a parked bus was hit, Iron Dome intercepted another rocket fired at Ashkelon • Air Force attacked targets in Gaza in response • riots in East Jerusalem

Eli Schlesinger 20.09.15

After searches: body of missing Amir Ohana was found in the lake

After a long search that lasted even on Shabbos - the body of missing Amir Ohana was found in a lake in Uman • apparently he sat on the banks of the lake, and fell into the water after a bout with seizures • Amir has been missing since the second day of Rosh Hashanah

Eli Schlesinger 20.09.15

Escalation: Molotov cocktails thrown at home in Armon Hanatziv

Two rioters, residents of East Jerusalem, arrived after midnight in the Jerusalem neighborhood, and threw a Molotov cocktail at the terrace of a residence; Miraculously there were no casualties • Border Guard officers chased and caught a resident of Jabel Mukaber, more arrests are expected

Eli Schlesinger 11.09.15

"One Iranian atomic bomb could kill 6 million Jews in one day"

Without a real chance to influence, yesterday opponents of the nuclear deal with Iran opened an acute media blitz against the president and agreement • For this purpose they recruited the former deputy president of Bush • White House: Cheney was wrong in the war with Iraq, and is wrong now

Globes 10.09.15
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