כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Crossing a Red Line: 'Heil Hitler' for army senior • Listen to recording

First publication on Behadrey Haredim: Listen to the shocking recording implanted in a voicemail of a senior haredi IDF officer • "Heil Hitler, you have reached ... the damned Harda"k yimach shemo. Addicted to money. Sells people for his stomach, yimach shemo • his wife: simply ignore

Eli Schlesinger 14.02.16

Ukraine threatens: we'll prosecute Margi

Following the visit of chairman of the Education Committee in the Crimea and his meeting with Russian representatives, Ukrainians are outraged

Akiva Weiss 14.02.16

No need to pay for Tehillim at the Wall

Project of reciting Tehillim opposite site of Kodesh Hakodashim: A new initiative by the 'Western Wall Heritage Foundation' for the public interest of a fixed Tehillim minyan daily at the 'Rabbi Getz shull' opposite site of Kodesh Hakodashim for the safety of Am Yisrael


Bnei Brak: baby did not wake up from sleep

It's happening again: a baby was found in bed with no pulse and breathing • Rescue teams were called and he was rushed to hospital in critical condition

Kobi Har Zvi 08.02.16

Strengthen the grip on King David's Tomb: Peter Chamor and new Rabbi

As part of strengthening the Jewish hold on the tomb of King David, a rare mitzvah ceremony of peter chamor took place, hundreds attended, led by Rabbi of Hurva Synagogue Rabbi Simcha Kook • a Rabbi of the site was first crowned • Organizers promise to "fight for the place"

Kobi Har Tzvi 07.02.16

Eldest of Rebbes released from hospital

Shortly before Shabbos , the eldest of Rebbes, Rebbe of Erlau, was released from Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital after his condition improved

Moshe Weisberg 07.02.16

Walking miracle: Mendi Rivkin recovered and was released from hospital

Mendi Rivkin, Chabad avrech who was severely injured in a stabbing attack last week in Givat Ze'ev, was released from hospital to his home tonight • Rivkin intends hold a seudas hodaya for the miracle that happened to him • his friends are confident: "This is the Rebbe's promise"

Kobie Har Zvi 05.02.16

Smuggler of fortune in gold caught on Jordanian border

Tens of kilograms of gold, hundreds of smartphones and packs of steroids hidden away in the car of a representative of the European Union, were discovered by the customs at the Allenby Crossing

Eli Schlesinger 05.02.16
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