כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Among the Dead in Istanbul: Operator of Belz and Vishnitz News Channels

The name of another casualty of the terror attack in Istanbul has been cleared for release: Yonatan Shore z”l, 40 years old, of Kibbutz Kvutzat Shiller near Rechovot, CEO of Tal Line- the company that operated the news channels in the Chassidish community. “He was careful to insure that the content was clean.”

Moshe Weisberg 20.03.16

Monsey: The FBI Raids Chareidi Homes

A wide investigation based on the suspicion that funding given to Charedi schools wa not used for the specified purpose and was used for other purposes. At this time no arrests have been made.

Shmuel Eliav 17.03.16

Youth Stabbed During Brawl in Elad

Youth stabbed during brawl in Elad, suspect has escaped the area, his identity I known to police and they are searching for him.

Eli Schlesinger 16.03.16

Heartbreaking: Rosh Kollel Died – Next Morning His Son Was Born

Unbelivable tragedy shakes up Modin Illit. Harav Hagaon Reb Yakov Kochav zt”l, a Rosh Kollel in the city passed away at the age of 32. His wife was with him at the time of his death and was taken to Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital where she gave birth to his son.

Moshe Weisberg 16.03.16

Morning of Terror

Two Terror attacks at the entrance of Kiryat Arba in a Span of 15 Minutes. Two soldiers were lightly wounded and the terrorists were shot to death.

Eli Schlesinger 14.03.16
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