כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Children Saved by Moving Day

The night before family was set to move; the children were sent to their grandparents and were thus saved from the fire.

Shiffy Charitan 31.03.16

Beit Knesset was Burnt, now Demolished

Beit Knesset named after the three teens who were kidnapped and murdered in 2014, was set on fire by Arabs and was demolished last night by the Civil Administration.

Eli Schlesinger 31.03.16

Serious Fire in Bnei Brak

A fire broke out in a residential building in Bnei Brak last night at 11:30. Large numbers of firefighters and paramedics were called to the scene. 4 people were taken to the hospital, and a number of others were treated on site.

Eli Schlesinger 31.03.16

Sarah Sperling Released from Hospital

Good News: The Kalah Sarah Sperling has been released from Asaf Harofeh to continue her rehabilitation. She is listed in light condition.

Eli Schlesinger 30.03.16

Civil Guard Given Greater Authority

The Knesset ratified Gilad Erdan’s initiative to give volunteers of the civil guard the authority to detain crime suspects.

Eli Schlesinger 30.03.16

Yaffa Deri: “We Survived Pharaoh, We Survived Haman”

In response to the news that Areyh Deri is under scrutiny for corruption, his wife Yaffa Deri responded, “We survived Pharaoh, we survived Haman, we’re in a great month.” Deri’s advisor said,” many journalists have investigated this and found nothing. I recommend we all wait [and not jump to conclusions]. There are those who would be happy to see Deri fall.”

Yonah Shuv 30.03.16

Battle over Destruction of Yeshiva comes to an End.

The battle of Yeshivas Pnei Shmuel’s building in Bayit V’gan has come to an end. An agreement was signed tonight in which the yeshiva has agreed to destroy a third of the floor they added on to their building illegally. The rest of the floor including the Beis Medresh will be permitted.

Akiva Weiss 30.03.16

Pressure: The Shabak's Technique

The Shabak uses intense pressure as well as fabricated stories during their investigations of suspects- is this legitimate?

Eli Yakovi 29.03.16

Accident on Highway 4 During Police Chase

A woman was seriously injured and two policemen were moderately injured when a police car slammed into a private vehicle during a police chase on Shabbos.

Eli Schlesinger 28.03.16

Child in Beitar Hit By Bus

A Kavim bus hit a 6 year old pedestrian. The child was taken to Haddasah Ein Kerem Hospital in moderate condition.

Eli Yakovi 28.03.16

The IDF’s Protocols are a Joke.

Dror Zicherman, a soldier who was seriously wounded while “following the rules” and didn’t shoot a terrorist - posted a scathing letter on Facebook that is making waves. The story of the soldier who was arrested for eliminating a neutralized terrorist is still making waves.

Avi grintsaig 27.03.16

Suicide Bombers in Brussels - Brothers Connected to terror in Paris

The brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui who were known to the police were responsible for the suicide bombings at the airport yesterday. The taxi driver who brought them to the airport yesterday said,” They wanted to bring 5 suitcases and got angry when there was only room for 3.” The search continues for the third terrorist.

Yonah Shuv 23.03.16

Israeli Police on High Alert on Purim

Also here in Israel police raise alert for Purim : Increased police presence, including plain clothes police expected in chareidi neighborhoods.

Eli Schlesinger 23.03.16
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