כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Yartzeit of My Sister H"YD - Son Attacked

Meir Mizrachi whose Son was attacked in yesterday's terror attack talks about his feelings, and about the terror related loss his family has already experienced.

Eli Shlezinger 04.05.16

Southern Israel Blooms

These last few days of Nissan let's celebrate the spring, with this special presentation.

Kobi Har Tzvi 04.05.16

Good News: Eden Levi Awakens

Eden Levi, the girl who was seriously injured in the number 12 bus bombing about 2 weeks has awoken. Her father talks to Bchadrey about the days and nights he has spent at her bedside, about the weeks of worry, and about the miracle of her survival.

Itzik Man 03.05.16

Terror Attack at the Lion's Gate

Terror attack at the Lion's Gate Monday night, 60 year old talmid of Shuvu Banim was stabbed in his upper body. His is hospitalized in Sharei Tzedek in moderate condition.

Eli Shlezinger and Itzik Man 03.05.16

Amazing! 175 Rabanim, Admorim and Roshei Yeshiva at the Kosel

Mattisyahu Goldberg spent all four days of Chol Hamoed at the Kosel photographing the many leaders of our people who were "oleh l'regel" over the course of Pesach. These 175 photos were handpicked by Bchadrey Charedim out of the 8000 shots that were taken. Can you find your Rav in our gallery?

Moshe Weissberg photos by Mattisyahu Goldberg 02.05.16

The Battle for Apointment of Dayanim

“It’s obvious that Prime Minister Netanyahu has been kept up to date by the United Torah Judaism faction and knows fully well that if the appointment of judges to the local courts comes up on the agenda – in violation of all prior agreement – a coalition crisis will follow.”

Akiva Weiss and Avi Greenzweig 02.05.16

Mini Bus Explodes in Bnei Brak on Wednesday Night

Yankela, Bnei Brak's beloved veteran driver was killed in the tragic explosion, chol hamoed. He is remembered as an elderly and friendly man who always waved at passerby and drove the elderly to their place of learning and transported balei chessed enroot to performing acts of kindness.

Eli Shlezinger and Moshe Weissberg 01.05.16

Words of Chizuk

Harav Moshe Sternbuch shlita encourages the residents of Beitar in response to the recent tragedies in the city.

Moshe Weissberg 01.05.16

Nazi's Receive Better Treatment

Out of concern for Harav Berland's welfare hundreds of his talmidim gathered together and davened outside of the South African Consulate on Monday of Chol Hamoed. The elderly Rabbi has been denied meals and medications during his imprisonment over Pesach. In the words of his talmidim, "Elderly Nazi's received better treatment."

Akiva Weiss 30.04.16

Harav Chaim Kanievsky's Siyum Hashas

Harav Chaim Kanivesky shlita made his annual Siyum Hashas on erev Pesach for Tanis B'choros in Lederman's. Harav Kanievsky is himself a bchor.

Moshe Weissberg photography by Shuki Lerer 30.04.16

Tragedy After Tragedy: Serious Bus Accident Near Chaifa

Serious bus accident in the Carmel Tunnel Road, 1 killed and 51 injured when a bus full of travelers crashed into the tunnel wall. 5 passengers were seriously injured and the rest were either moderately or lightly wounded.

Eli Shlezinger 21.04.16

Fatal Accident on Highway 90

A Charedi family from Yerushalayim was involved in head on collision with Palestinian car. At least 4 people have been injured. The head of the family is in serious condition, his 30 year old son was killed and two other family members were lightly to moderately injured.

Eli Shlezinger 21.04.16

Fatal Accident on Highway 90

A Charedi family from Yerushalayim was involved in head on collision with Palestinian car. At least 4 people have been injured. The head of the family is in serious condition, his 30 year old son was killed and two other family members were lightly to moderately injured.

Eli Shlezinger 21.04.16

Eli Yishai Makes a Kiddush Hashem

Watch: Menny Shwartz, editor in chief at Bchadrey Charedim in an interview with Channel 10 impresses his secular audience with the "charedi code of behavior".

Avi Aron 21.04.16
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