כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Hearing the Body was Returned Makes me Sick

Pesach Krishevsky who was wounded in the terror attack on Malchei Yisrael half a year ago told Bechadrey Charedim that hearing that the body of his viscous attacker was returned, makes him feel sick.

Itzik Man and Yonah Shuv 24.05.16

Vaad Hayeshivos Gathering: Don't Expel any Bachur

The leadership of the Vaad Hayeshivos gathered to discuss the draft of yeshiva bachurim. It was decided not to give a deferment to any bachur who does not fulfill,"Torahso umnaso" (In other words a bachur who is not spending his time learning Torah should not receive a deferment.

Moshe Weissberg 24.05.16

Expansion of Shaare Zedek Hospital

Jerusalem residents will be happy to hear that the Local Planning and Building Committee of the Jerusalem Municipality has approved the expansion of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center: adding three new buildings, parking lots, and a pedestrian walkway-entrance.

Gabi Tzav 24.05.16

Report: Price Levels Consistently Up

Excess price levels in Israel have been consistently higher than in all other OECD countries over the past fifteen years according to the Taub Center's "A Picture of the Nation Report" which provides a statistical analysis of Israeli society and the Israeli economy.

Gabi Tzav 24.05.16

Healthy Haredim

According to the Taub Center's "A Picture of the Nation Report" which provides a statistical analysis of Israeli society and economy, chareidim in Israel enjoy relatively good health status.

Gabi Tzav 24.05.16

Israelis Becoming More Religious

Israel’s Channel 2 News and polling service Sample Project Panel directed by Dr. Ariel Ayalon, have published a survey that may change everyone’s long-held assumptions about the divide between religious and secular in Israel.

Gabi Tzav 24.05.16

Vaad Hayeshivos to Meet Tomorrow

Nasi of the Shas Moetzes Chachmei Torah, and a number of Roshei Yeshiva are expected to meet tomorrow at the Bnei Brak home of Harav Gershon Edelstein, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh tomorrow.

Avreimi Perlstein 23.05.16

Lag Baomer in Meiron Before 1948

Not all that much has changed: Celebrating the Hillula of Rabi Shimon bar Yochai back in those days was already and extraordinary event

Moshe Weissberg 23.05.16

Breakthrough: Rav Grossman Flew to Johannesburg

Dramatic breakthrough for Harav Berland: Harav Yitzchak Dovid Grossman flew suddenly to South Africa in light of new developments. An opportunity has presented to free Harav Berland from jail.

Itzik Man 23.05.16

The Other Side of the Lens

One hundred thirty event photographers working in the charedi community in Israel attend the second annual "gathering of photographers". Bechadrey Charedim filmed the event , presenting "those on the other side of the lens."

Kobi Har Tzvi 23.05.16

Derech Mehadrin is ours and for Men Only

Yoshev Rosh Vaad of the Yishuv Meiron, Mordechai Halperin sent a letter to the Ministry of Religion: "Derec h Mehadrin is owned by us and it is our right to designated it for use by men only."

Akiva Weiss 23.05.16

Moses and Glick Clash Over Har Habayis

The Likud's new MK, Yehuda Glick and Yahadus Hatorah's Eliezer Menachem Moses clashed today over the topic of Har Habayis in the halls of the Knesset.

Akiva Weiss 22.05.16

It happened: Porush Resigned

After he publicized his decision last night to resign from the Knesset under the Norwegian Law in order to allow Yakov Asher to fill his place, Meir Porush hurried to fulfill his promise. He presented his resignation to at noon to the head of the Knesset.

Akiva Weiss 22.05.16

From Flatbush to Bnei Brak

As he does every year in advance of Lag Baomer the Narel Rebbe has come to Eretz Yisreal for his mother's yahrzeit. The rebbe has left his chassdim in Flatbush to visit his chasidim in Eretz Yisrael. Bechadrey Charedim has documented his kabalas panim in his Bies Medresh on Rechov Rashi in Bnei brak after havdalah on Motzaei Shabbos.

Moshe Wiessberg Photography by Shuki Lerrer 22.05.16

Police Brutality against Charedi Avreich

Twenty Six year old Chaim was beaten and cursed by a police man with a bad track record in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph after Chaim requested that he not be given such a large traffic ticket.

Eli Shlezinger 22.05.16

Meir Porush to Leave the Knesset

Major drama taking place in Yahadut Hatorah: Deputy Education Minister MK Meir Porush will quit the Knesset today (Sunday) to allow Degel Hatorah MK Yakov Asher to take his place. With this dramatic step tensions between Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael are expected to calm down.

Akiva Weiss 22.05.16

Shooting Attack Near Tekoa

Terrorist shot at a bus travelling near Tekoa Motzaei Shabbos. Baruch Hashem no one was injured.

Eli Shlezinger 22.05.16

Fireman Impressed: Boy Apologizes

One of the firemen who was harassed by young boys throwing stones while he extinguished a fire in Modiin Illit was impressed when a 12 year old boy came to the fire house to apologize.

Itzik Man 21.05.16
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