כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


Complaint Filed Against Policeman for using Excessive Force

Four charedim seek justice for the abuse they suffered at the hands of Israeli police during a protest 3 weeks ago. They turned to the Police Investigation Department to lodge a complaint about violent policemenand about a policemen who turned live ammunition against peaceful protestors.

Eli Shlezinger 01.06.16

An Emotional Meeting in Beit Shemesh

The Vishnitzer Rebbe is currently staying in Beit Shemesh. Last night he went to visit the Kosover Vishnitz Rebbe. The Admorim drank L'chaim and kissed each other's hands.

Moshe Weissberg 01.06.16

Doctors Fight for the Life of Toddler

The doctors at Assaf Harofeh are fighting for the life of the toddler that was critically injured in last night's car accident at the Modiin junction.

Eli Shlezinger 01.06.16

The Mir Distributes Fans

Not just free bread: The world's largest fortress of Torah is distributing fans to the yeshiva's avreichim

Moshe Weissberg 01.06.16

Terrible Accident Near Modiin : 7 Injured

Seven people were wounded after midnight Tuesday in a two car collision. Among the wounded is a critically injured toddler who was returning home with his family from a simcha.

Eli Shlezinger 01.06.16

Avigdor Lieberman's First Day on the Job

Avigdor Leiberman began with a press conferance at the Prime Minister's residence, then he was sworn in and congratulated, and finished off with a prayer at the Kosel.

Kobi Har Tzvi 31.05.16

Beit Shemesh Mayor Conducts "Henna" Ceremony

Upon the engagement of his daughter Beit Shemesh mayor, Moshe Abutbul conducts a Henna ceremony while dressed in traditional Moroccan garb. Photography by Yakov Lederman

Moshe Weissberg photography by Yakov Lederman 31.05.16

Video: Deri Gives Lapid Mazel Tov at Birthday Party of MK

Shas celebrated the 58th birthday of MK Yitzchak Vaknin today. Yair Lapid came to deliver his best birthday wishes and in return Aryeh Deri wished him mazel tov on hs son's recent engagement. "Mazel Tov on the Georgian Kalah, now you need to find a Moroccan Kallah…"

Akiva Weiss 30.05.16

Tragic: Toddler Forgotten in Car Dies

In an unfortunate accident a one and half year old child was forgotten in a car this morning in Ashdod's charedi neighborhood. The child was no longer living when his father found him.

Eli Shlezinger 30.05.16

Crisis Averted: Government to Meet this Morning to Approve Lieberman

Thanks to a compromise suggested by Chairman of United Torah Judaism MK Yaacov Litzman, the Netanyahu government was saved: this morning the Cabinet will vote on widening of the government to be approved by the Knesset plenum in the afternoon.

Eli Yaacobi and Akiva Weiss 30.05.16

Celiac Sufferers May Get Financial Reprise

A private member’s bill that would subsidize the cost of gluten-free bread – which is required by the tens of thousands of Israelis suffering from celiac disease – was approved Monday by the Knesset Labor, Welfare and Health Committee for its first reading in the plenum. The bill was initiated by Kadima MK Meir Sheetrit.

Gabi Tzav 29.05.16
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