כ"א אלול התשפ"ד


The Israeli Antidote to the Shidduch Crises

Hundreds of Yeshiva Bachurim Struggling with Shidduchim attend a "curse removing ceremony" Thursday in Kever Rochel. The Rishon L'tzion and Harav Baron conducted the ceremony.

Moshe Weissberg 10.06.16

The Israeli Antidote to the Shidduch Crises

Hundreds of Yeshiva Bachurim Struggling with Shidduchim attend a "curse removing ceremony" Thursday in Kever Rochel. The Rishon L'tzion and Harav Baron conducted the ceremony.

Moshe Weissberg 10.06.16

Russian Philanthropist Donates Mini Sefer Torah

A mini Sefer Torah measuring just 15 cm in length was donated to the Kossav Vishnitz Beis Medresh by Avraham Blank of Russia, in honor of the Admor of Kossav Vishnitz. Shuki Lerrer filmed the event.

Moshe Weissberg 09.06.16

Russian Philanthropist Donates Mini Sefer Torah

A mini Sefer Torah measuring just 15 cm in length was donated to the Kossav Vishnitz Beis Medresh by Avraham Blank of Russia, in honor of the Admor of Kossav Vishnitz. Shuki Lerrer filmed the event.

Moshe Weissberg 09.06.16

Russian Philanthropist Donates Mini Sefer Torah

A mini Sefer Torah measuring just 15 cm in length was donated to the Kossav Vishnitz Beis Medresh by Avraham Blank of Russia, in honor of the Admor of Kossav Vishnitz. Shuki Lerrer filmed the event.

Moshe Weissberg 09.06.16

Bnei Brak Resident Wins Lotto

After playing the lottery from time to time, 35 year old Bnei Brak resident and father of four winds 3,333,333 NIS.

Eli Shlezinger 09.06.16

Bnei Brak Resident Wins Lotto

After playing the lottery from time to time, 35 year old Bnei Brak resident and father of four winds 3,333,333 NIS.

Eli Shlezinger 09.06.16

Yom Beis Medresh: a Resounding Success

Hundreds of businessmen, professionals and community activists gathered Wednesday for a day of learning under the initiative of "Orchos Yosher" at the Tzipori Hotel in Kibbutz Chofetz Chaim.

Moshe Weissberg 09.06.16

Shavuot at the Kotel in 1967

Was it really true? Were our soldiers standing at the Kotel? Had I really heard Rav Goren recite sheheheyanu and blow the shofar there? And could I be there too?

Gabi Tzav 09.06.16

The Morning After: Tel Aviv in Shock

Last night's terrifying attack brought Tel Aviv to a halt. The city that never sleeps has ground to a halt. The Sarona Market is empty and many Tel Aviv residents have chosen to stay home from work as they are simply too afraid to walk the streets.

Eli Yakovi 09.06.16

Photo Essay: Sarona Market Bleeds

Sarona Market, situated in the very heart of Tel Aviv experienced one of its worst nights. The owner Ilan Chagg promises to reopen. Motty Karelitz of Flash 90 pictorially documented the scene.

Avreimi Perlstein 09.06.16

The Elder Amongst the Mekubalim at the Kosel

Harav Shalom Shmueli, Rosh Yeshivas Nahar Shalom, the elder among the generation's mekubalim came to daven at the Kosel in advance of Shavous. He prayed for the entire nation and specifically for those who support his Yeshiva.

Moshe Weissberg 08.06.16
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