י"ח כסלו התשפ"ה


Want to bake Matzos with R' Nissim?. Enter and Watch

Leshem M atzas Mitzvah. This morning Hagaon R' Nissim Karelitz arrived at the "Borer" Matzah Bakery in Bnei Brak. The photographer Yaakov Cohen joined him – and returned with a video and gallery which document the unique atmosphere

Yaakov Kohen, Behadrey Haredim 26.03.12

Hagr"o Yosef makes Birkas Hailanos

Hagaon R' Ovadia Yosef went out this morning after davening to the yard of a house on Hakablan st. in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem, and made a Birkas Hailanos on the month of Nissan. Yaakov Cohen joined him – and returned with a captivating documentation

yaakov kohen, Behadrey Haredim 25.03.12

Hagr"c Kanievsky benches Birkas Hailanos

The zealous of Bnei Brak went out this morning with dawn, to the city's fields to bench Birkas Hailanos. Yaakov Nachumi joined those davening in the Minyan of R' Chaim Kanievsky – and documented

Yaakov Nachumi, Behadrey Haredim 25.03.12

Shkius and Hasmoda. The daily routine of the Rosh Yeshiva zt"l

A short while before Netz, the eldest of the Roshei Yeshivos zt"l used to put on the light in his home, and start a daily routine of a young Bochur, a Ben Aliya. How many Shiurim did he give, and who were his close ones? . Special

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 21.03.12

Tragedy in Wadi Kelt. Avraham Galinsky aged 18, Talmid of Kol Torah – drowned to death

Harsh tragedy: Avraham Galinsky, aged 18, the grandson of Hagaon Harav Yaakov Galinsky, a Talmid at Kol Torah Yeshiva and resident of Ramot, Jerusalem, went out with four of his friends for a trip to the Prath River in the area of Wadi Kelt. His friends noticed that he had disappeared – and called in the rescue unit. After a short while, one of the volunteers found him dead at the bottom of the river. The Zaka volunteers were summoned to take care of the body. Gallery

Eli Schlezinger, Behadrey Haredim 20.03.12

Tomorrow: huge gathering will close the Shiva in Viznitz

The Aliya to the grave of the Viznitzer Rebbe zt"l will be possible to his family members alone. A special committee organizes the first Shabbos in the company of his son, the Vizniter Rebbe. The entry – Chassidim only

Yonah Green, Behadrey Haredim 20.03.12

In the middle of a Drosha. R' Menachem Ibenboim z"l

In front of his family members, who were listening to his Drosha at the Sheva Brochos of his grandson, Harav Hachasuv R' Menachem Ibenboim z"l - one of the important Chassidei Gur - collapsed . The tragedy is double: after the wedding, the other grandfather of the Chosson was niftar

Eli Schlezinger and Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 20.03.12

"Evel Yachid Asi Lach" . Yaakov Nachumi presents: The Levaya

In every place, thousands of Chassidim: from the Beis Midrash up to the cemetary and the mausoleum of the Rebbes. Yaakov Nachumi, the Behadrey Haredim photographer, stepped with the myriads in the levaya march of the Viznitzer Rebbe - and documented.

Yaakov Nachumi, Behadrey Haredim 15.03.12

"Let's live as brothers". This is how the historical peace was woven

Minutes after the decease, Hagaon R' M. M. approached his older brother: "If we will not live as brothers, neither of us will benefit", and the "deal" was under way. Exclusive: where is the will? Who is responsible for the peace? And where will the brothers sit Shiva?

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Hareidim 14.03.12

Yaakov Nachumi presents "Gilufin Tisch". Purim Gallery

The dances, the drunkards, the simcha of Purim and the wine feast. Yaakov Nachumi celebrated with Toldos Avraham Yitzchak and Lelov in Beit Shemesh, Tiferes Yerushalayim and the Yeshiva Gedolah of Masmidim

Yaakov Nachumi Bechadrei Chareidim 11.03.12

"Venoach Be'chamisha Asar Bo" – scenes from Jerusalem on Purim

The Bechadrei Chareidim photographer Kobi Har-Zvi became properly drunk, and went out to observe, experience and document the colorful streets of Jerusalem on the Simcha of Purim De'mukafin. See the colorful gallery

Photograph: Kobi Har-Zvi, Bechadrei Chareidim 11.03.12

"Shiva" in Nadvorna. The sons and Chassidim in Har Hazeisim

At the end of the Shiva of the Nadvorna Rebbe zt"l, this morning the Nadvorna Chassidim went up to his grave in the Nadvorna Rebbes' tomb on Har Hazeisim and held a Tefilla. The Chadrei Chareidim photographer documented.

Moshe Weissberg, Bechadrei Chareidim 11.03.12

Rosh Kollel, Father of 12, Suddenly Niftar

Rav Shlomo Edelman – Rosh kollel of Tolne in Yerushalyim was suddenly niftar in his home yesterday (Wednesday) ● While working to resuscitate, the Rebbe comes to encourage his wife and children ●The levaya – today

Mose Weisberg 08.03.12

‘Shushan Town’ ● See Bnei Brak in Purim Mode

Lines out the doors of wine stores ● Costume sales are on fire ● Gift shops are working overtime to keep up with the high demand ● A special gallery from a city that won’t sleep tonight

Yakov Cohen 08.03.12

17 Year Old Killed on His Way to Sisters Sheva Brachos

Yonatan Avraham Tzukerman was on his way from yeshiva to his sisters ‘sheva brachos’ ● Volunteers who arrived at the scene immediately started to try and resuscitate the critically injured boy

Eli Shlesinger 07.03.12

Purim Songs ● Audio

‘Hadrey Haredim’ presents you with a Purim mp3 with thousands of Purim songs that will make your Purim delightful

Yisrael Chaver 07.03.12

101 Ksubos: The Mir Masmid

18 year old Dovid Zelig, learning in the mir yeshiva makes a siyum on ksuvos for the 101th time ● “we are talking about a boy with incredible talent and the ability to study like not many can or do”

Moshe Weisberg 06.03.12

Purim Fun ● Geulah on Erev Purim

The smell of Purim is in the air and it seems that no one can wait ● Kobi Har- Tzvi walks through the streets of Geulah to show us the sights

Kobi Har Tzvi 06.03.12