י"א אדר התשפ"ה


Hareidi infant from Jerusalem drowned in pool – harsh condition

The 3 year old infant was drawn from the pool by the lifeguard, underwent resuscitation and was evacuated to Tel Hashomer. He is hospitalized in the children's emergency ward, with his condition defined as very harsh. Circumstances of drowning are not yet known

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 07.08.12

Hareidi infant from Jerusalem drowned in pool – harsh condition

The 3 year old infant was drawn from the pool by the lifeguard, underwent resuscitation and was evacuated to Tel Hashomer. He is hospitalized in the children's emergency ward, with his condition defined as very harsh. Circumstances of drowning are not yet known

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 07.08.12

Pediatricians against "Sucking by mouth": "Endangers children"

The Association of Pediatricians in Israel demands of the Ministry of Health to act in order to change the custom of "Metzitza" by mouth at a Bris Milah, with drawing blood by a tube. "Cases of harsh infection have occurred in newborns"

Sari Roth, Behadrei HAreidim 07.08.12

Rage in Knesset over decrees: "Bad smelling money"

The Knesset passed a series of financial draconian measures, not before it expressed its protest. Braverman: "We shouted against a bi-yearly budget". Shitrit: "Why is the blood of companies redder than the poor's?"

Sari Roth. Photograph: Kobi Har-Zvi 07.08.12

Stones on way to the Kosel. 16 passengers injured

Palestinians threw stones close to the Nablus Gate on buses on the way to the Kosel. 16 passengers injured – among them 8 children. Eight casualties evacuated to hospital

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 06.08.12

That's how soldiers without Shabbos food were taken care of

Because of a hold back, the Nachal Hareidi soldiers were left in the Adam Base without food for Shabbos. Until Berale Yakobovitz got a phone call – and recruited restaurants in Bnei Brak. "We had a real Oneg Shabbos"

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 06.08.12

That's how soldiers without Shabbos food were taken care of

Because of a hold back, the Nachal Hareidi soldiers were left in the Adam Base without food for Shabbos. Until Berale Yakobovitz got a phone call – and recruited restaurants in Bnei Brak. "We had a real Oneg Shabbos"

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 06.08.12

Hagaon R' Moshe Eliashiv will give lesson in caravan

Hagaon R' Moshe Eliashiv, the eldest son of Hagry"s Eliashiv zt"l, acceded the request of the participants in the daily shiur given by Hagry"s to fill his father's place. The shiur will start in "the caravan", and will continue in "Tiferes Bachurim"

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Hagaon R' Moshe Eliashiv will give lesson in caravan

Hagaon R' Moshe Eliashiv, the eldest son of Hagry"s Eliashiv zt"l, acceded the request of the participants in the daily shiur given by Hagry"s to fill his father's place. The shiur will start in "the caravan", and will continue in "Tiferes Bachurim"

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Watch: Summarising gallery from the Siyum Hashas event

Thousands of Bnei Yeshivos and avreichim took part in the uplifting event of Siyum Hashas in Givat Hatachmoshet. Eli Segal presents a summarizing gallery: the participants who were equipped with binoculars. Gedolei Yisroel – headed by Hagry"l Shteinman and Hagr"s Wazner enter the event, speak and dance in the honor of Torah. Last glance to the awesome event

Photographs: Eli Segal 02.08.12

Even if acquitted, Nisso Shaham will retire from police

His acquaintances: the commander of the Jerusalem district will await the results of the investigation and announce his retirement, because of his disappointment of the police. Since the disclosure of the affair, tens of complaint letters regarding officers have been received anonymously.

Shmuel Klein, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Infiltrators' violence came to center of Jerusalem

South Tel Aviv is here. Three Yeshiva bochurim were attacked by Sudanese youngsters in the center of Jerusalem. The police got involved and rescued them. "We now understand the harsh problem with the infiltrators"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei HAreidim 02.08.12

Infiltrators' violence came to center of Jerusalem

South Tel Aviv is here. Three Yeshiva bochurim were attacked by Sudanese youngsters in the center of Jerusalem. The police got involved and rescued them. "We now understand the harsh problem with the infiltrators"

Yaki Admaker, Behadrei HAreidim 02.08.12

Tragedy in Har Nof. The girl Chaya Chana Kopinsky a"h

The eldest daughter of the Kopinsky family, residents of Har Nof, was considered an outstanding pupil in Grade 7 in Beis Yaakov – Derech Hachaim. Rescue forces were alarmed to her home, where they were forced to determine her sudden death.

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Raging demonstration at Mesilat Zion. Arrested: 5 'Kanoim'

About 40 Kanoim arrived Wednesday morning at the archeological site next to the Mesilat Zion settlement. The police arrested 5 demonstrators. The photographers Yaakov Lederman and Moshe Holtzman present: video and huge gallery

Y. Admaker, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

World Siyum Hashas at Yad Eliyahu headed by Gedolei Yisroel

A once in seven years event. More than ten thousand participants in the world event of Siyum Hashas, in the learning framework of Daf Hayomi organized by Dirshu, filled the Yad Eliyahu stadium to capacity. Thousands gathered in the centers for live broadcast from the event. Hagry"l Shteinman: "One's purpose of life has to be keeping the Mitzvos". The Belzer Rebbe: "It is a great and sublime day". Watch: Wide review and galleries

Photographs: Yisrael Bardugo 02.08.12

Channel 2 reporter: Hareidim a bunch of Humainian idiots

Is the reporter who expressed his views regarding Hareidim as "Humeinian idiots" who claimed "The Hareidi methodology is an existential danger" as well as "Educate your children to despise those who wear black", able to review Hareidim?

Eli Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Channel 2 reporter: Hareidim a bunch of Humainian idiots

Is the reporter who expressed his views regarding Hareidim as "Humeinian idiots" who claimed "The Hareidi methodology is an existential danger" as well as "Educate your children to despise those who wear black", able to review Hareidim?

Eli Cohen, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Released for publication: Syrian spy from North captured

65 year old Iad Jamid Asad Juri, resident of Majdel Shames, was captured and admitted in his investigation that he has been in contact with activists from the Syrian intelligence, transferred information to them regarding a variety of issues as well as an Israeli communication device.

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Historical picture. All of Gedolei Yisroel at one table

A moment before opening the Siyum Hashas of Dirshu at Yad Eliyahu – Gedolei Yisroel gathered behind the scenes in the VIP room. Watch the pictures which perpetuate the historical moment. Exclusive

Nachman Gur, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

the kidnapping of Regev and Goldwasser

The Hezbollah organization published the video of the kidnapping of soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser. Goldwasser's widow: "Manipulations of Nasralla. It's possible he killed them". Watch the video

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 02.08.12

Wall of Zion. A day of lamentation at the Kosel Hama'aravi. Watch

Tens of thousands came to the Kosel throughout the day and night of Tisha Be'av to lament and pray. Kobi Har-Zvi was with the masses and documented the day of mourning next to the remnant of our Beis Hamikdosh. Watch the video and gallery

Kobi Har-Zvi, Behadrei Hareidim 31.07.12

Is this the city. Tisha Be'av night at the Kosel

Thousands came to the remnant of our Beis Hamikdosh to lament and pray. Kobi Har-Zvi documented the masses of Jews flocking to the square of the Kosel and reading Kinos. Watch the video and gallery

Kobi Har-Zvi, Behadrei Hareidim 31.07.12

New head of Kashrus in IDF

New appointments in the military rabbinate. Criticism of appointment of Lieut. Col. Sharon Zabari as head of Kashrus department. And who is fighting so the new head of halacha department won't be discharged from IDF? This morning 200 boys were recruited to the Nachal Hareidi

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrei Hareidim 31.07.12