כ' אלול התשפ"ד


Rosh Yeshiva from 'Jerusalem faction' against Hard"kim campaign

Signs of moderation: Hgrd"tz Karelinstein, a senior of the extreme Litvishe faction in Haredi public, comes out to protect haredi soldiers • "whoever humiliates or degrades a haredi soldier has no part in the next world"

Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 23.05.13

Kfar Chabad: The groom fell and injured at his wedding • view

The wedding was stopped in Kfar Chabad, after the groom who was held high, fell and was injured • groom received initial treatment and was taken to hospital • After hours of stress the groom returned to his brides delight

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.05.13

IDF soldier killed by old mine in the Golan

Old anti-tank mine exploded at noon near Moshav Yonatan in the southern Golan Heights during mine clearance • Engineering Corps soldier was hit and killed • incident investigation was opened

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.05.13

Hasidic Home • Minister Uri Ariel with Boyan followers

Minister Uri Ariel met with leaders of Boyan to help strengthen the occupancy project on Mount Yonah C • Minister will soon be hosted in the Hasidic institutions and at the Boyaner Rebbe

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.05.13

"When women sing allow orthodox soldiers to leave"

Minister Limor Livnat for Haredim: "You cannot say to Haredim: recruit to regular units and we are not interested in anything. If a unit event is held, no need to bring women to sing there"

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 22.05.13

He'ir Pnei Hamizrach • Table of honor at Belz Simcha

Thousands passed to wish Mazal Tov to the Belzer Rebbe • Behadrey Haredim photographer documented the table of honor during the reception towards the historical Chuppah • View gallery: the Rebbe and honorable guests at the Mizrach

Moshe Weissberg, Behadrey Haredim 22.05.13

Fear of physical and mental harm to Orthodox soldiers"

Perry Committee discussed the case of attacking Orthodox soldiers in Meah Shearim • Chairman: "The soldiers are the social and moral spearhead, the state will deal with attempts to harm them here and now

Sari Roth, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.05.13

Horror in Beer Sheva: Five dead in revenge mission • "he performed and confirmed death"

Bloodbath in Beer Sheva: An armed man embarked on a revenge mission to the branch of Bank Hapoalim on Jabotinsky Street • Four people were killed by gunfire, including a pregnant woman, and a few others injured • After long minutes of fortification: the police burst into the arena • injured hostage freed by robber, shot himself and killed

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.05.13

Graffiti against Women of the Wall: "Torah tag, Wall is not cheap"

The struggle against Women of the Wall, at the center of which was a non – violent protest of thousands of seminary girls, failed to stay that way: tonight graffiti were spray painted on the home of member of the organization's Executive Board

Eli Schlesinger and Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 21.05.13

Riots in Meah Shearim • Reason: Two Haredi soldiers

Demonstration in Meah Shearim: Two haredi soldiers dared to pass in the neighborhood • Haredi bullies threw stones, set fire to garbage containers and blocked the traffic on Kikar Shabbos • Documentation

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 20.05.13

Simchat Beit Belz class gallery • Watch the Farsphil of the eldest grandson of the Rebbe

Thousands participated in the joy of the Belz Hasidim the Farsphil of the eldest grandson of the Rebbe which took place last Motzei Shabbos in Jerusalem • see extensive gallery: havdala, thousands of chassidim singing, musicians playing and special dance featured at the end of the Rebbe and chassan • Special

Photography: Anshel Bick, B'Chadrei Charedim 20.05.13

Not so bad • Most Haredi sector cuts - canceled or postponed

From budget and draft Arrangements Law it stems: cut in yeshiva ketanas and quotas in seminaries - were canceled; the cancellation of subsidies for preschools - postponed; property tax subsidy - changed • and who deserves the credit?

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 20.05.13

Marijuana lab discovered in haredi school in Kiryat Gat

Schoolgirls of a haredi school in Kiryat Gat smelled a strange smell from the school's emergency shelter • Police were called to the scene and found dozens of marijuana plants and a lab for upgrading the drug

Eli Schlesinger and Yoel Koritz, Behadrey Haredim 20.05.13

New order in Vizhnitz: walk in groups and hold hands

the simchas in the streets of Bnei Brak disturb the peace of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe • The reason: modesty problems • Solution: march to the weddings in groups, holding each other's hand, with eyes downcast

Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 19.05.13

Watch the video: Alpine rally of the Eideh Charedi • prayers, speeches, riots

prayer rally • Rabbis speeches • activists speeches • violent rioting against police • vandalism • summary of the Jerusalem District • Haredi soldier lynching • attacking a news 2 reporter • Watch video clips step by step: this is how the rally against the recruitment of yeshiva students turned into a violent demonstration against police

B'Chadrei Charedim 19.05.13

Harsh violence at Eida demonstration: 11 policemen wounded, 8 protesters arrested

Demonstration of 'Eida' in front of the recruiting office in Jerusalem against the recruitment decree, slipped quickly into harsh violence • Garbage bins burned, firecrackers and stones were thrown at the police • 11 police officers were injured and police used grenades to disperse the rioters • police chief: "the most violent demonstration since I came into office "• eight demonstrators were arrested • Speakers: Gab"d, Rab"d and Hgr"s Auerbach • View: Assembly resolutions I Galleries I Videos

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 19.05.13