Live Stream from Meron
Bechadrey Charedim brings you a 24 hour live hookup to Meron.
Bechadrey Charedim Staff
Bechadrey Charedim brings you a 24 hour live hookup to Meron.
Bechadrey Charedim Staff
'Starving Mother' affair returns to the headlines again • The prosecution is asking the court to impose a prison sentence • Did not pass medical treatments - contrary to the agreement
After an unprecedented campaign, scandalous and spins, will be held today (Wednesday), the election of the Chief Rabbinate.
In an ancient site near Beit Shemesh, a fortified palace built during the period of King David and served him in the war against the Philistines, was discovered • The disclosure is likely to stop the development of Ramat Beit Shemesh
A document was sent to the inspectors of the recognized unofficial education department at the Education Ministry • among the objectives: "breaking down the Haredi establishment and subordination to rabbis" • Ministry clarified: forgery
No longer silent • haredi soldier was attacked in Mea Shearim by a yeshiva bochur • This time the soldier preferred to respond • He attacked the yeshiva boy and when a gathering created, he ran away
Education Committee approved a draft law which conditions the budget granted to institutions with core studies • institution which will teach mathematics, English and Hebrew will receive support of 55% of its budget
The District Court in Rechovot sentenced a youngster from an orthodox home a year in jail • would break into shuls and leave behind a lot of damage as revenge • pay a fine and compensation to the shuls
Fathers and Sons • The Lau family came to Hgr"o to receive his support for the candidacy of Rabbi David Lau • "Do what you can so Rabbi David Lau will be elected. I also do so."
Tens of thousands took to the Western Wall, read Kinnos on the destruction of the Temple • B'Chadrei Charedim photographer Koby Har Tzvi, was with the mourners and documented the sights • view
The kibbutz movement mobilizes volunteers to accompany haredi soldiers in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak • Haredi soldier to B'Cgadrei Charedim: "This is the police's obligation to protect us"
Armed Syrian rebel forces apparently penetrated an unmanned IDF outpost, east to perimeter fence • military patrol identified them, approached an army post, and sustained barrage of fire • None of the soldiers were injured
"We were in middle of Eicha when he heard a boom. At the beginning we did not understand what happened, we thought the glass broke. Went out, and someone shouted, they threw a stone" • No one was arrested
Tens of thousands took to the Western Wall, read Kinnos on the destruction of the Temple • B'Chadrei Charedim photographer Koby Har Tzvi, was with the mourners and documented the sights • view
"We were in middle of Eicha when he heard a boom. At the beginning we did not understand what happened, we thought the glass broke. Went out, and someone shouted, they threw a stone" • No one was arrested
The kibbutz movement mobilizes volunteers to accompany haredi soldiers in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak • Haredi soldier to B'Cgadrei Charedim: "This is the police's obligation to protect us"
Orthodox age 33 on his way with two friends back from prayers at the Western Wall - was stabbed near the Damascus Gate • Evacuated in moderate condition to Shaarei Tzedek, with stabbings to his waist and chest • pursuit after stabbers
After EU announcement that agreements with Israel will not include settlements in JS, parts of Jerusalem and Golan Heights - Netanyahu said: "I will not let harm hundreds of thousands of Israelis"
Rabbi Chaim Ohayon z"l, who passed away at the age of 39 after a severe illness, asked in his will to be buried in Meron, near the tomb of Rabbi Yochanan Hasandlar
"Jerusalem in Ruins" - dozens of antique photographs documenting Jerusalem • Gallery: Western Wall, gates of Jerusalem, Jewish and Muslim Quarter, Haneviim and Jaffa Streets, Hurva and Tiferet Yisrael, Sultan's Pool, Mughrabi Quarter • 40 pictures of tears
Jerusalem's shulls were filled with mispalelim who came to read Eicha and say Kinos • Photographer Kobi Har-Zvi wandered between the shulls and returned with a gallery by the light of candles • Watch
The title: "Haredi soldier was attacked at night in Beit Yisrael" • Behadrey Haredim presents what happens behind the scenes. Whatsapp posts in which the soldier coordinated with his friends the arrival and booking photographers
A soldier wearing a yarmulke was attacked in Beis Yisrael and rescued - by the police • the victim is a soldier who has been indicted for his role in the Lynch at Cat Square in Jerusalem • view
Following protests: Egged company has announced that following the request by MK Eichler will stop the campaign which caused a stir • Gafni: "any other public would not dare to publish such a campaign"
After 200 years - Mir starts charging tuition fees from yeshiva students: "This is a decision which should facilitate the economic situation at the yeshiva" • More to the new procedure: Signature of rules prohibiting computers
The day before Tisha B'Av - civil war: two yeshiva students were attacked yesterday in Bayit Vegan by secular youths • "They took our kippa and stepped on it" • According to them, the police ignored
Rabbi Lior Glazer, Bnei Brak Rav, held an "iPhone smashing ceremony" at the end of his shiur in Kiryat Herzog • Uzi Barak documented the tefillos, cries and amused audience • Gallery and video
On Friday night in Jerusalem, at 101, R 'Zev Dov Bruchie z"l passed away • The last of nine sons of R' Yisrael Boruch Tratner, a leading chossid of the Rebbe Pachad Yitzchok
Trying to impress the judge, Eideh seniors condemned the attack against the soldier • "seek police help to punish them, we suffer from them too" • "Whoever touches a soldier – should be punished
A soldier at the Hizma checkpoint on line 143 for security checks noticed two women wearing head covering and holding a siddur • So how did he discover that they are, in fact, from Ramallah
Two Orthodox rioted during the rescue of the Orthodox soldier from Meah Shearim accused of aggravated assault • hurled stones and iron bars at police • remand extended till Monday