Live Stream from Meron
Bechadrey Charedim brings you a 24 hour live hookup to Meron.
Bechadrey Charedim Staff
Bechadrey Charedim brings you a 24 hour live hookup to Meron.
Bechadrey Charedim Staff
Campaign of violence and degradation of Gedolei Yisroel continues • shock in yeshivos: This morning sheets of 'Orchos Yosher' of R' Chaim Kanievsky's book, and sheets of Darchei Hachizuk of Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevez Hgri"g Edelstein, when burned, torn and thrown in disgrace • Watch the shocking pictures
Tax Authority's system marked the container suspicious and alert customs official decided to check it • what was found in it?
Hgray'l's condition is cause for concern: Since the attack suffering from severe pain • examined at Maaynei Hayeshua this morning • refused to address ways to respond - and he said, "return to learning" • struggling at home: how to secure the well-being and maintain public open house • Rallies in Bnei Brak and Modi'in Illit • what happened to the orders of Rabbi Chaim to remove children from the schools
A minor from Jerusalem, tried to fly to Uman, without the consent of parents • Ben Gurion Airport police detained him on the plane and took him home
Hundreds of activists and supporters of the 'Etz' movement gathered in Jerusalem to celebrate the crossing of the threshold and winning a mandate in the City Council • view
Network provided Orthodox mental disability credentials for medical committees and the IDF National Insurance • and how they charged for fake credentials?
After an initial investigation, admitted the attack, the attacker was brought to court • Posted for psychiatric observation at Abarbanel - where he will be 24 hours
Shock in the haredi world: Orthodox from Kiryat Sefer burst into Hgray"l Steinman's home, physically attacked him and shouted: "I'll kill you" • Hgray"l was unable to stand during shemonei esrei • in police custody • Hgri"g Edelstein: "Even in Russia there were no such things "• MK Moshe Gafni:"violent writing against elders made it" • Bnei Torah:"not our activist" • See the documentation
Chavrusa tells: how the assault took place • attacker: normal kollel avrech • Hgr"ch: remove students whose parents voted עץ
Two representatives on the city council members of Bnei Brak - causing עץ fans to burst into celebrations • Yaakov Nachumi was there to document
Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem held a fundraising evening • Speakers at the event were Hgr"y Finkel and chairman attorney Yaakov Weinroth • view
Detention extended for seven suspects in the IDs case in Beit Shemesh• Court protocol exposes the method
Following the fake letter circulated in his name Hgr"ch says: "I am receiving phone calls from morning to night, and I tell them it's false". Watch
The two, students of Ponevez, returned from the Ukrainian capital Kiev by flight • Suspected of serving as couriers of network to smuggle cigarettes
Anxiety up north • sixth earthquake was felt in Tiberias • intensity quake: 2.2 on the Richter scale • Preparing for storing hazardous materials
Terrorist Mohammad A'atzi, was killed in an exchange of gunfire with the IDF in Bil'in • one of planners of bus attack in Tel Aviv a year ago, during Operation " Pillar of Cloud"
In Bnei Brak, member of Beis Din Machzikei Hadas and Rav of Belzer Beis Midrash on Ben Yaakov Street, died this morning suddenly at age 66
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky ordered a mashgiach at the yeshiva to remove from his yeshiva avrechim who support the עץ list • "must mention it at the yeshiva"
"I did not suspect anything" • avrech from Beitar Illit – who had his peyos shorn last night by a Palestinian - recalls the incident • there is also documentation
IDF forces uncovered a bomb placed in Kisufim, along the Gaza Strip border • cargo successfully defused by the engineering forces
A Sefer Torah fell on Simchat Torah in the chassidus and the Rebbe ordered to fast • Who is exempted from fasting?
The day before the election, Hgray"l Steinman and Hgr"ch Kanievsky published letters against Bnei Torah list • Hgray"l on claims of the Lithuanian competitor list: "We have no sense of their lies and there is no reason to retire from the public" • Hgr"ch: "All intention and plot to deny the notion that the Gedolei Hador will lead the nation, empty and frivolous, with controversy "• full letters
Sasov Rebbe, who lives in Ganei Tikva, called his followers to support Lizzie Darlitza, running for mayor
Spokesman for the military wing of Hamas confirmed that his organization dug the trench discovered in Khan Yunis • goal: "to kidnap soldiers and to release prisoners"
Shocking and exclusive documentation: group of young people identified with "Bnei Torah" erupted into Ateret Shlomo kollel, which is affiliated with Hgray'l Steinman, and beat a few married students • Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yechezkel Etrog, injured by tear gas and evacuated by ambulance for medical treatment • other learners beaten - were treated at the scene • See pictures
Rebbe decided in the U.S.: Elad Vizhnitz chassidim support Yisrael Porush's candidacy for mayor • Inside: Rebbe's call
Bill of MK Yaakov Litzmann approved the Ministerial Committee for Legislation: negotiations on the capital of Israel only with the support of 80 MKs
Listen to the words of the head of Yeshiva Maalot Torah to Etz activists: "big and majestic thing to vote for Bnei Torah" • Listen
Mrs. Leah Esther Tzulek a"h passed away, after a severe illness • Wife of Ezer Mezion chairman • helped everyone with dedication
Rebbetzin Leah Kook abruptly stopped giving lessons • Did Hgra"d Auerbach who supports Torah Judaism fear she would instruct to vote Shas?