י"א אדר התשפ"ה


Rab"d Haeideh was attacked: "Go back to Johannesburg"

Rab"d Haeideh Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, was attacked when he arrived at the bris of his grandson in Mea Shearim • Upon entering the hall a group of fanatics attacked him and yelled abuse at him • Eyewitness: fanatics followed Rab"d and prepared in advance for the coming" • " why Av Beit Din Hgri"t Weiss does not condemn?"

Avreimi Perlstein, B'Chadrei Charedim 24.11.13

One minute to Shabbos • Boaz Ben-Ari presents: Kikar Hashbbat

The first hoot echoes throughout Jerusalem and I remembered: I didn't go out to film • I quickly take along a dear friend, mount the vehicle and hurry to Kikar Hashabbat in the outskirts of Mea Shearim • View a special photography project: Boaz Ben- Ari documents the haredi street an hour before Shabbos

Boaz Ben-Ari, Behadrey Haredim 24.11.13

Avrech who fell from a ladder - passed away

Mourning in Beit Shemesh • after doctors fought for his life for hours about Alter Moshe Yaakov Kaufman z"l, 40, passed away, seriously injured last night after he fell from a ladder • Survived by his wife and eleven orphaned children • eldest son is expected to marry next month • the funeral will take place tomorrow • Residents: "a man of grace running to help all - there is no one who didn’t know him"

Eli Shlesinger and Moshe Weisberg, B'Chadrei Charedim 23.11.13

In response to mortar: IAF attacked Gaza

Air Force attacked weapons manufacturing site and two tunnels in the southern Gaza Strip, in response to mortar shells which were fired at IDF forces this morning

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 21.11.13

"Criminal sanctions is to make fun of the law"

Heated debate in Shaked committee about converting criminal sanctions to economic • MK Ariel Atias: "criminal sanctions will cause a rift" • MK Shtabun: "Looking at the Haredim like a zoo. Everyone thinks he can summon them by force" • Professor Friedman: "We don't want to set up detention camps" • Stern: "a historic mistake in front of us" • Gafni: " If they decide on criminal - no one will recruit"

Sari Roth, Behadrey Haredim 20.11.13

"Unprecedented corruption" • 9 days detention for Rabbi Metzger

At the request of the police extended the detention of former Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger, nine days • Police representative: "Rabbi received bribes and additional funds on an unprecedented scale of million • Judge:" In light of the data this is modest application, there is an unusual document that those who study it can save her two ears "• the rabbi's lawyer: "Where are Metzger's millions? Concerned for his health and well being"

Eli Shlesinger, B'Chadrei Charedim 19.11.13

Pashwersk in Israel: speed night visit by Rebbe

During the night: Pashwersk Rebbe arrived in a private plane for a surprise visit in Israel - and by morning he returned to Belgium • and there is a Gallery too

Moshe Weisberg, Behadrey Haredim 19.11.13

Rabbi Yoram Abergel released to house arrest

Rabbi Abergel released to house arrest • restraining order imposed on him from his town of Netivot • After his release, he called his students: "Return to learning, avoid demonstrations"

Eli Schlesinger, Behadrey Haredim 18.11.13

Watch: Abergel demonstrators hold lynch against Arab driver

Hundreds protested yesterday on Bar Ilan in Jerusalem against arrest of Rabbi Yoram Abergel • the street was closed and stones were thrown at vehicles suspected of being driven by Arabs • The driver of one of the vehicles abandoned his vehicle and fled • Police sprayed at the grave of Harav Ovadia Yosef • 28 detained protesters - eight of them were released • According to his lawyer Rabbi released today by agreement • debate: Will Rabbi be expelled from Netivot?

Eli Shlesinger, B'chadrei Charedim 17.11.13